Category: Family Support

What to Know About Prescription Drug Abuse

Signs of Teen Drug Use

Every parent worries about their child. From school bullies to tests, tryouts, their first driver’s license, and their first broken heart, every good parent does what they can, teaches what they know, and hopes for the best. If you suspect that your teen is using drugs, it is important to


How to Make the Most of Your Sobriety Getaway

There are many difficult challenges that come with overcoming and recovering from addiction. For many, the withdrawal is one of the most difficult phases due to its severe symptoms. For others, rehabilitation itself may feel difficult when working with other people. And for some recovering addicts, maintaining sobriety after rehab

The Stages Of Alcoholism Explained

The Stages Of Alcoholism Explained

Alcoholism is a complex disease that can start innocently and end devastatingly. Studies have delved into the reasons why some people can handle alcohol while others struggle. When you have alcoholism running in your family, specifically when it exists in someone who is in close relation like a sibling or

What to Know About Prescription Drug Abuse

Why Do Teens Abuse Drugs?

Drug abuse at any age is never healthy, but it is especially unhealthy for adolescent children. Not only is it illegal, but drug abuse in teens can cause permanent damage to their developing minds and bodies. Substance abuse can ruin a person’s life before it has hardly begun, and influence

Understanding Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Treating Drug Addiction from Home

Drug addiction can be an incredibly severe medical disorder that handicaps a person’s daily routine. To combat this, doctors strongly recommend professional help and intervention. For some, however, conventional therapy such as enrolling in a rehabilitation center is not an option. So what are the alternatives? Many such addicts will


How Drug Addicts Think Differently

On the surface, some drug addicts might seem like completely normal people. In many cases, they still very much are. But as you become closer to one, you may notice strange behaviors—some that are even unacceptable. Perhaps they have a tendency to become aggressive, and quickly backpedal later. They may

Continuing Care Throughout Recovery

Continuing Care Throughout Recovery

Often, we push away loved ones during our active addiction. Recovery is a lifelong process. Even if we were lucky enough to be able to make amends and keep our previous friends and family in our lives, we still need sober networks that can guide us throughout our recovery. The

What to Do If Your Addicted Son or Daughter Asks You for Money

No parent wants to see their child hurting or in harm’s way. Sometimes it can be difficult to ask our loved one what the money they are asking for is truly going to be used on. This is especially true when we think the individual may be addicted to drugs


How to Stop Enabling a Drug Addict

Drug and alcohol addiction is never beneficial–whether for the addict or the people they love. Not only does it encourage poor habits, but supporters of addicts often end up becoming victims of abuse. So why do they enable their addictive tendencies rather than help break them? The truth is that

10 Telltale Signs and Symptoms of Opiate Addiction

10 Telltale Signs and Symptoms of Opiate Addiction

We can tell when something has changed with our loved ones. Whether it is guilt and shame over their behaviors, a physical issue, grief, a social difficulty, a drug or alcohol use disorder, or something else entirely is the question. Addicts become good at hiding their use and the consequences