Family Support


Our family philosophy

We know all too well the devastating effect addiction can have on the family and loved ones of the addict. We also know that quality recovery will  include rebuilding these damaged relationships, many times from the ground up. Our family program aims to include and prioritize the participation of families and loved ones in the recovery journey.

How we help families

The first step in this process of repairing damaged relationships is consistent and informative communication between our staff and the loved ones of our guests. Guides at Discovery Place will not only check in weekly, but will provide real time updates and suggestions on the course of help needed. Our hope is for everyone to grow, not just the guest in our care. A guide may decide that phone calls aren’t enough and that face-to-face communication is a better alternative. They may invite a family member to campus for a one on one conversation, depending on the case. Our ultimate purpose would be to include and encourage everyone to get involved and focused on the big picture; a happier, healthier life of sobriety.


Family Events

Once per month Discovery Place hosts a Family Night. The second Friday of every month we invite you to our Main Campus location for visiting, family group, and fellowship with guests, staff and alumni. It is a fantastic opportunity to get information about how your loved one is doing and learning, as well as a chance to meet other families going through similar circumstances. Learning that you are not alone is very powerful. Sometimes, just realizing that fact can change an attitude of hopelessness to hopefulness.

Continuing Family Care

Even after your loved one commences from our program and ventures back into their life, we want to help. We will continue to check in with your loved one. We want to stay as involved as you feel is appropriate. Once a Discovery Place guest, always a Discovery Place guest. The lifeblood of our entire community is our alumni, and that includes the families of our alumni. You are our family, and we are yours.

Helping a family member with drug addiction in Nashville TN scaled