Step Down Care

photo of two men talking

Phase 3: Step Down Care

The 3rd phase of our program, Step Down as we call it, is a transitional program designed for taking responsibility for one’s own recovery and getting back to life. 

With the help of a Guide, the guest will learn how to integrate the Discovery Place program of recovery into everyday life. He will actively be working with a sponsor, and continue practicing the 12 steps, with an emphasis on steps 10-12. 

Transitioning into Everyday Life, Long-Term Sobriety and Community

Guests will address any needed life skills; such as budgeting, individual grocery shopping, time management or any other skill that needs to be addressed per individual upon request. 

The guest is responsible for keeping his commitments to volunteer work and meeting attendance. Although transportation is frequently provided, the guest will need to find rides within the community to enlarge his recovery network. He will also attend a weekly Discovery Place Alumni Night on the main campus.

During this phase, guests will receive individualized schedules customized to fit his needs or goals. He will meet with our Executive Director, Thomas McCollum, who has been at Discovery Place for 9+ years. 

With a focus on giving back, the Step Down guests have the opportunity to begin working again in the Discovery Place kitchen on main campus. They will make Continuing Care calls to alumni, and provide experience, strength and hope to new guests at the Discovery Place main campus. Helping others is a critical component to staying sober and building a new life.

There is a holistic approach to this new way of life which includes spiritual, emotional, social, and physical maintenance. Step Down guests are provided with yoga and meditation classes as well as a membership at Dickson’s local gym while continuing one on one time with their Guides. With continued access to all phases and volunteer opportunities, many guests begin to realize they are not only sober, but they are enjoying their lives. This strong emphasis on community, accountability, and lifelong brotherhood is essential to long term sobriety.