Category: Family Support

The Importance of Empathy in Rehabilitation

The Importance of Empathy in Rehabilitation

Treatment in addiction is a long, arduous process—one that requires a strong will and great support. Be it from family, friends or a therapist, addicts need the same thing from them: empathy; that is, the ability to understand another’s feelings. Empathy does not just make an addict feel better but

How to Help Addicts as a Family Member

How to Help Addicts as a Family Member

Addiction is defined as a “treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences.” An addict is a person suffering from this medical disease, whether addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other abusable substances. An addiction can hurt a person’s job, their

How Families Can Support the Recovery Process
Family Support

How Families Can Support the Recovery Process

Watching a loved one struggle with alcohol and/or drug addiction can negatively affect family members who have constantly tried to offer help. Even if their loved one finally agrees to get professional help and remain sober, relapse is still possible after completing treatment programs. Although the history of drug use

Losing Custody Of Children From Addiction

Losing Custody Of Children From Addiction

Drug and alcohol abuse doesn’t just affect an addict’s health and wellbeing, it has widespread repercussions that impact all who are close to them. Children are some of the hardest hit by addiction. Children of addicts risk losing their parents to jail, being removed and put in alternative care, and

How to Surpass the Fears of Group Therapy

How to Surpass the Fears of Group Therapy

When the time comes to face rehabilitation and substance abuse treatment, many addicts face the same fears. The apprehension of confronting friends and family, the dread of detoxification, and the pressure of group therapy. Group therapy gathers many similar individuals—in groups large or small—to share their experiences and cope together

Three Major Signs of Relapse to Watch Out For

Three Major Signs of Relapse to Watch Out For

Recovery is a difficult but crucial process to undertake when choosing a life of sobriety. Many hurdles stand between an addict and their addiction, even post-recovery. Any addict, even ones with straightforward and effective recoveries, may struggle with relapse. Relapse is a return to compulsive and addictive behaviors, causing a

How to Support Alcoholics in the Family

How to Support Alcoholics in the Family

Drug addiction is a burden not only for the user but for their family and friends. Families of drug addicts and alcoholics especially suffer the brunt of arguments and abuse. Spouses typically become verbal or physical target practice, while children grow up in an unhealthy environment and live in danger.

Obstacles In The Road To Recovery

Obstacles In The Road To Recovery

The first step towards recovery is for addicts to acknowledge a problem exists that they can’t control and what they want to obtain help. Some addicts have been in and out of treatment and are familiar with the process. Many, though are facing their first time in this position and

Are Partners of Alcoholics Prone to Addiction?

Are Partners of Alcoholics Prone to Addiction?

Alcoholism is not a choice and facing the consequences as an addict is a taxing ordeal. Among these consequences is the effect it has friends, family, business associates, and others. Spouses are often the greatest victims of these situations,–living with their partner’s problems and anger on a daily basis. Because

Marijuana Use Disorder: Understanding Signs and Myths

Three Fundamentals of Addiction Treatment

Treatment is an important part of the recovery process of addiction, yet it brings many fears to mind. Some worry about the intensity of trying to maintain sobriety, others dread interacting with professionals. Perhaps they fear medical procedures and the unknowns of treatment can intimidate addicts away from seeking any