Category: Family Support

Rebuilding Relationships After Addiction

Often referred to as a family disease, addiction affects every part of an individual’s life and relationships negatively. It’s not just the person struggling with a substance abuse problem that needs treatment, close loved ones and families also need interventions from the impact abuse puts on everyone.  Addicts don’t think

How Support Your Newly Sober Friend
Family Support

How Support Your Newly Sober Friend

The bad news is your friend has a substance abuse problem. The good news is they wanted to get help and they got it. You miss your old friend and want them to be themself again and get healthy. You are supportive of their decision to seek treatment and you

Why Prescription Drug Abuse Is So Common

The Difference Between Helping and Enabling

Watching someone you love suffer from addiction is extremely difficult and can even be a very traumatic experience. Because of the love we hold for our close friends and family members, it can be difficult to discern whether our assistance is enabling or helping their recovery process. Sometimes we may


Opening Up to Others About Your Addiction

Every day, addicts of all kinds struggle in one of the most strenuous and stressful fights of their lives. Whether on drugs, alcohol, or an entirely different substance, addictions are the source of many negative experiences and feelings. From tension to anxiety, loneliness, low self-esteem, fear, and hopelessness, addiction can

How Families Can Support the Recovery Process

Celebrating Your Recovery

Paddling through the struggles of drug and alcohol addiction is an undeniable feat. No matter how long the addiction or recovery, every addict’s journey is circumstantial and worthy of admiration. While it is crucial to prioritize recovery and maintaining sobriety, you should also leave room for celebration and praise. Whether


Sharing Your Recovery Progress

Drug addiction and the following recovery process are understandably touchy subjects for different individuals. Not only is sobriety a difficult personal challenge, but sharing it with family and friends can be stressful. Perhaps you have overly judgmental family members or co-workers that may become wary of you. Climbing the mountain

Family Support

Establishing an Effective Relapse Prevention Plan

Relapse is easily one of the most difficult enemies for addicts recovering from substance addiction. You may follow your recovery exactly as professionals instruct you and follow all of the signs but relapse can always remain a dangerous prospect. In these cases, it may even seem futile to try fighting

The Dangerous Long-Term Affects of Cocaine

Your Early Signs of Relapse

After going through therapy and making recovery, you may feel as if you are on the top of the world. You may feel successful, proud, happy, and simply unstoppable, and this is by no means bad. But at the same time, some recovering aspects can become overconfident and ignore the

Benefits of 12-Step Programs

The Importance of Relationships in Recovery

Recovery can be a particularly impeding time for any individual that provides pressure and isolation. Out of fear and irritability, some addicts continue to isolate themselves during addiction and recovery. Some may simply be angry, others may do so to avoid getting attached or hurting other people. What may come

How Teens Become Addicted to Drugs
Family Support

How Can I Inspire My Child While They Are in Recovery?

In the United States, there are approximately 23.5 million people in long-term recovery. They have decided that the negative consequences and the lifestyle that accompanies being an addict are no longer worth the high they get from their drug of choice.  If you have a child in recovery it is