Category: Family Support

The Role of Therapy in Addiction Treatment

The Role of Therapy in Addiction Treatment

From an outside perspective, addiction can be difficult to watch and filled with many questions: Why do addicts abuse drugs? Why do they continue to abuse drugs knowing how unhealthy it can be? Why do they so firmly push the help of friends and family away? From an inside perspective,

The Significance of Human Sociality in Treatment

The Significance of Human Sociality in Treatment

Addiction can be often described as a time of isolation for many. Substances such as opium, stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens exist to ease pain, including potential stress, relationship problems, and physical problems. Furthermore, in an ironic twist, drug abuse causes more problems and makes addicts feel shameful of their addiction.

What is Opioid Addiction?
12 Step Program

What is Opioid Addiction?

Opioid addiction, by its simplest definition, is a physical and psychological reliance on the continued use of various opioids and opiates. This addiction can have a pronounced, negative effect on the life of an addict, but can also be subtle and interfere minimally with an otherwise successful, happy life. Regardless,

How To Identify a High-Functioning Addict
12 Step Program

How to Identify a High-Functioning Addict

Not every addict is easily recognized, even by those they know. Many maintain their life with good jobs and positive relationships, resulting in a high-functioning addict that you’d never suspect of having a substance abuse problem. However, while these addictions might not be interfering with their external life, these people

How To Recognize Heroin Abuse In Someone You Know

How To Recognize Heroin Abuse

Opioid fatalities have been on the rise for years now, and heroin is among the most lethal opiates to abuse. If you’re worried that someone close to you could be abusing heroin, you should be. Their addiction could kill them at any time and will have life-long implications even after

Is Your Partner An Alcoholic

Is Your Partner An Alcoholic?

Do you think that your spouse has a problem with alcohol? Chances are if you are questioning their relationship with drinking there could be an underlying problem that you both are sweeping under the rug. It is not an easy conversation or realization when you have to address a potential

Can One Addiction Be Replaced With Another?

Can One Addiction Be Replaced With Another?

Cultural influence has transformed many myths and false assumptions into the common perception of how others experience addiction. Because of this, understanding addiction from an outsider’s point of view can be difficult or even inaccurate. For example, many believe that addiction is simply a one-time experience with alcohol, drug, or

Learning and Understanding the Process of Addiction

Learning and Understanding the Process of Addiction

Addiction can be a confusing, stressful, and difficult time for not only the onlookers of it but the addict themselves. Though addiction’s problems should not be undermined, friends and family often struggle to see the experience from the inside. There exist common misconceptions regarding addiction such as an addict’s morality,

Adverse Childhood Experiences In Tennessee

Adverse Childhood Experiences In Tennessee

Lawmakers in Nashville are discussing strategies to help children of families where there is drug or opioid abuse that is prevalent in the household. According to Senator Rusty Crowe of Johnson City, lawmakers must determine the right way to manage these children behaviorally, educationally, and socially in the most supportive

The Importance of Empathy in Rehabilitation

The Importance of Empathy in Rehabilitation

Treatment in addiction is a long, arduous process—one that requires a strong will and great support. Be it from family, friends or a therapist, addicts need the same thing from them: empathy; that is, the ability to understand another’s feelings. Empathy does not just make an addict feel better but