Treating Drug Addiction from Home

Drug addiction can be an incredibly severe medical disorder that handicaps a person’s daily routine. To combat this, doctors strongly recommend professional help and intervention. For some, however, conventional therapy such as enrolling in a rehabilitation center is not an option.

So what are the alternatives? Many such addicts will often choose treatment and therapy from the comfort of their homes instead. While there are challenges to this process, there are actually a number of benefits as well. Without the need for separation from the home or family, anxiety and loneliness are less of a factor. Additionally, you may not have to worry about extended leaves from work.

That being said, you should maintain an awareness of when to involve professionals. Not only are there certain precautions with home treatment, but specific steps to individual methods.

Establishing Proper Detoxification

One of the most difficult steps in treatment is detoxification—or the detox process. The detox process is the operation of removing and releasing harmful toxins associated with drugs from the body. However, the detox process is filled with discomfort and risks.

During detox, addicts will often suffer and undergo withdrawal—which can give symptoms that can be mildly uncomfortable or life-threatening. Physical and psychological symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • Muscle twitching and aching
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Racing heart rate
  • Heart palpitations
  • Headaches
  • Strokes
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures
  • Heart attacks

This may make drug therapy and abstinence seem far more dangerous than abuse. But the reality is substance abuse is just as capable of life or death situations.

Many experts agree that detox at home is typically unsafe, especially without professional supervision. However, when having no other choice except home therapy, there are factors to keep in mind. For one, you should always know and stay aware of your own triggers. Secondly, you should avoid all medication—even medication that alleviates withdrawal symptoms—unless given professional recommendations. Finally, you should always have emotional support of some kind to monitor you.

Maintaining a Safe, Healthy Environment

While recovering at home, it is crucial to establish your home as a safe and healthy environment. To do this, you should dispose of anything that can bring temptation to continue abuse and surround yourself with resources.

These resources can be anything from healthy foods for detox or having the support of family or friends. You should have any abused substances disposed of, while “safe” drugs should also be put away.

Finally, you should live in an environment with other people who can provide some form of support. Professional doctors or close friends and family are often optimal, but abusive addicts may put the latter in danger. In these cases, unbiased roommates might actually work as great alternatives.

Therapy at Home

Undergoing therapy and recovery at home lacks the benefits of rehabilitation centers. These include multiple exercises and practices that are typically conducted and controlled by professionals. Nevertheless, there are methods to bring these treatments home.

Local therapists and psychologists—while not necessarily specifying in substance abuse—can help you discover new, healthy coping mechanisms. They may also provide medical recommendations to help alleviate symptoms of withdrawal in recovery while also avoiding further addiction.

Most importantly, you must know you are not alone in addiction. Attending local therapy groups can help encourage recovery and boost morale in finding a community. Some may even allow participation remotely through phone conferences or even chat rooms and video conversations on the internet. By creating a support system and community, managing and treating addiction through the home is completely viable.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, contact a local Treatment & Rehab alternative in Tennessee. You might be interested in Discovery Place’s own treatment center alternatives, such as our 30 Day Residential Addiction Alternative Recovery Program or our Long Term Alternative Recovery Program in Burns, Tennessee. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-725-0922.

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