Category: Cannabis

The Expensive Life Of An Addict

The Expensive Life Of An Addict

Studies show that addicts who are deep in their addiction will spend over $100 each day for their fix. Others will spend even more and they will do anything to obtain the money needed to get their drug of choice.  Those who are heavily addicted to drugs also suffer losses

The Relationship Between Drug Abuse And Crime

The Relationship Between Drug Abuse and Crime

There is no positive outcome that results from drug use. Not only does drug use degrade one’s body, but it also: Ravages health Ruins relationships with loved ones Decreases quality of life Reduces personal wealth Increases risk of death It also increases one’s risk of being incarcerated. The relationship between

Adverse Childhood Experiences In Tennessee

Adverse Childhood Experiences In Tennessee

Lawmakers in Nashville are discussing strategies to help children of families where there is drug or opioid abuse that is prevalent in the household. According to Senator Rusty Crowe of Johnson City, lawmakers must determine the right way to manage these children behaviorally, educationally, and socially in the most supportive

Marijuana Use Disorder: Understanding Signs and Myths

Marijuana Use Disorder: Understanding Signs and Myths

Millions of Americans smoke marijuana regularly because they don’t believe it’s a dangerous drug. In fact, many may believe marijuana is not addictive and they can stop smoking anytime they want without being affected. Although it’s true that it’s possible to quit smoking marijuana, individuals who smoke on a daily

What To Look For In A Drug And Alcohol Treatment Center
12 Step Program

What To Look For In A Drug And Alcohol Treatment Center

After you have decided to get help for your addiction you must do so at a center that has a solid rating from residents and a proven success rate. The reputation of Discovery Place is one that is well-respected and widely recognized for its high-quality facilities, staff, and services. Discovery Place

What is Addiction Transference?

What is Addiction Transference?

There are many addictions that millions of people battle every year—drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sex addiction–even food and gaming addictions are fought on a daily basis throughout the United States. Addiction can apply not only to drugs but even daily habits and activities. Human beings can become addicted to just

Three Major Signs of Relapse to Watch Out For

Three Major Signs of Relapse to Watch Out For

Recovery is a difficult but crucial process to undertake when choosing a life of sobriety. Many hurdles stand between an addict and their addiction, even post-recovery. Any addict, even ones with straightforward and effective recoveries, may struggle with relapse. Relapse is a return to compulsive and addictive behaviors, causing a

Obstacles In The Road To Recovery

Obstacles In The Road To Recovery

The first step towards recovery is for addicts to acknowledge a problem exists that they can’t control and what they want to obtain help. Some addicts have been in and out of treatment and are familiar with the process. Many, though are facing their first time in this position and

Understanding Substance Abuse In Youths
12 Step Program

Understanding Substance Abuse In Youths

It is a common phenomenon for teens to experiment with drugs and alcohol. They may first try a bit at a party or a friend’s house. After they first give in to try drugs or alcohol they are more likely to try them again. Before long, they can be regularly


Why Inpatient Care is the Definitive Method of Drug Rehabilitation

When you think of addicts and their recovery, chances are the first notion you think of is inpatient care. You see it represented in movies, TV shows, and read about it in books for characters who seek treatment. Rarely will you see them being treated by a doctor from home,