Category: Cannabis

How Addiction And Genetics Are Related

How Addiction And Genetics Are Related

Substance use disorders consist of both genetic and environmental interplay. You may have heard someone claim that Mr. X is using by choice. He may have chosen to pick up his substance and use it the first time. However, genetics also play a factor. One’s actual family ties, according to

Family Roles That Come With Addiction

How Withdrawal Changes Sleep Patterns

After stopping the use of an addictive substance, significant changes can occur to your circadian rhythm. What exactly happens regarding our sleep patterns during a withdrawal? Undergoing detoxification from illicit substances and alcohol does change sleep routines. The possibility of relapse also increases depending on sleep difficulties due to the


How Drug Addicts Think Differently

On the surface, some drug addicts might seem like completely normal people. In many cases, they still very much are. But as you become closer to one, you may notice strange behaviors—some that are even unacceptable. Perhaps they have a tendency to become aggressive, and quickly backpedal later. They may

How Teens Become Addicted to Drugs
12 Step Program

Key Principles To Effective Addiction Treatment

What is addiction? Is it a personal choice? Maybe a weakness? Addiction has been classified and defined as a disease. There has been plenty of research into the pathways that lead to addiction and the way that it persists in one’s life. While there is still much more to be

What to Do If Your Addicted Son or Daughter Asks You for Money

No parent wants to see their child hurting or in harm’s way. Sometimes it can be difficult to ask our loved one what the money they are asking for is truly going to be used on. This is especially true when we think the individual may be addicted to drugs


How to Stop Enabling a Drug Addict

Drug and alcohol addiction is never beneficial–whether for the addict or the people they love. Not only does it encourage poor habits, but supporters of addicts often end up becoming victims of abuse. So why do they enable their addictive tendencies rather than help break them? The truth is that

Are Some Predisposed To Addiction?

Are Some Predisposed To Addiction?

Addiction is a disease. By definition, it is a chronic disease of the brain that affects the systems of your brain including reward and memory. When there is a dysfunction in these systems, certain behavioral pathologies and outcomes arise such as substance use and abuse. Similar to most any disease,


Addressing Your Loved Ones About Your Addiction

Handling your own addiction can be difficult with its many trials and tribulation–resisting temptations, mood swings, experiencing withdrawals, and the health complications that come with them. One of the most difficult challenges is approaching and discussing your addiction with family. Family members tend to feel betrayed after watching a loved


What You Should Ask Your Rehab Center

It takes a great amount of courage and effort to find the rehab center and program best for you. Each individual struggles with different levels of addiction and each program will work differently. You might also be unsure of what to look for when investigating them, or who to trust.

Paths to Recovery: One Size Does Not Fit All
12 Step Program

Paths to Recovery: One Size Does Not Fit All

Recovery is an individualized process that typically involves detoxing, figuring out core issues and any co-occurring disorders whether they are of a physical or emotional in nature, and finding sober coping skills and techniques. One must utilize these skills and techniques in daily life as they find a sober support