Category: Cannabis

Drug Use On The Rise Amongst Middle-Aged And Older Adults

Drug Use On The Rise Among Middle-Aged Adults

According to recent studies, the United States is seeing an increase in drug use for middle-aged to older adults. Both marijuana use and opioid use have increased in this age group during the past 10 years. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) released three studies that show the importance

Benefits of 12-Step Programs

The Importance of Relationships in Recovery

Recovery can be a particularly impeding time for any individual that provides pressure and isolation. Out of fear and irritability, some addicts continue to isolate themselves during addiction and recovery. Some may simply be angry, others may do so to avoid getting attached or hurting other people. What may come

Essential Facts About Clonazepam

Addiction Myths That Undermine Recovery

Many negative stigmas and false rumors tend to surround the topic of addiction. Oftentimes people falsely believe that addiction is a choice, not a mental disease. On top of this, addicts become associated with traits of cowardice, irresponsibility, and being compulsive liars. The fact is many addicts form these habits


The Science of Addiction

Though addiction may be spurred in a variety of ways, there are a number of common links. These can be depression, familial losses, a divorce, feeling trapped in life… the list goes on. Some may wonder, however, why and how does addiction really and logically happen? As with any medical

What to Know About Prescription Drug Abuse

Why Do Teens Abuse Drugs?

Drug abuse at any age is never healthy, but it is especially unhealthy for adolescent children. Not only is it illegal, but drug abuse in teens can cause permanent damage to their developing minds and bodies. Substance abuse can ruin a person’s life before it has hardly begun, and influence

Illegal Drugs: Classifications and the Dangerous Effects

How Much Do Illicit Drugs Cost?

The dramatic increase in drug use, specifically the rise in abuse of prescription opioids and painkillers, comes with significant costs. The most striking is the loss of life, the decimation of families, and the destruction of communities. Between the years of 1999 to 2017, more than 700,000 people in the

What Does It Cost To Be A Drug Addict?

What Does It Cost To Be A Drug Addict?

Being addicted to drugs is not the same thing as engaging in experimental substance use. Even though the American Psychiatric Association does not classify drug abuse and dependency as anything other than a substance use disorder, trying out substances does not always lead to addiction. That being said, drug addiction

How to Stop Taking Adderall
12 Step Program

How to Stop Taking Adderall

When we have been prescribed a drug for a disease or a disorder, we will likely trust our prescribing physician. After all, they have the education to support what they are prescribing to be the correct substance as well as good, honest reasons as to why they are prescribing it.

The Correlation Between Addicts And The Homeless

The Correlation Between Addicts And The Homeless

The amount of homeless individuals throughout the United States is increasing every year. Those who are younger are showing a higher number of homeless than ever before. The strong association with homelessness and addiction puts these individuals at increased risk for succumbing to their addiction and potentially losing their life

Alcohol Addiction Recovery and Inpatient Treatment Programs

Substance Abuse As A Trigger For Schizophrenia 

Approximately 50 percent of those who suffer from schizophrenia are also struggling with substance abuse. This is a staggering statistic. Schizophrenia symptoms, when compared to those of substance abusers, are often very similar, making it challenging to appropriately diagnose those who are suffering from the disorder from those who are