Why Inpatient Care is the Definitive Method of Drug Rehabilitation

When you think of addicts and their recovery, chances are the first notion you think of is inpatient care. You see it represented in movies, TV shows, and read about it in books for characters who seek treatment. Rarely will you see them being treated by a doctor from home, or focusing on being medicated. Why is this?

The truth is that there is a good reason inpatient care is so heavily represented in media—it is effective. Though inpatient care comes at a cost and may not work for everyone, it has the greatest success rate. It has the greatest consistency and success with the most amount of people.

Why is this?

Inpatient care uses a variety of different methods and treatments collectively to handle a variety of people. By utilizing a combination of medication, natural remedies, and socialization, inpatient care stands as the most practical method of treatment.


There might be common depictions of inpatient care in rehabilitation centers in the media, but rehab is hardly as limited. Rather, the reality is that inpatient care is designed to be flexible and full of variety for many different patients. Rehabilitation centers provide not just group discussions or one-on-one therapy sessions, but a variety of different methods.

If you do not work well with working with other people you may work better with a therapist or vice versa. There are also multiple types of therapy methods, such as with new hobbies like exercise or even gardening. You may work with certain types of medications, diets, or even herbs.

Furthermore, if you try out a method of treatment that ultimately does not work out, you can switch to another. With this level of versatility, inpatient care can provide many options with the benefit of professionals to monitor any changes.

Promotion of Personal Growth

Trying to juggle real life with your recovery is a daunting task and doing so could damage your recovery altogether. Keep your circumstances in perspective: you are ill, and you need time to heal and recuperate, regardless of current obligations.

When you choose to enroll in rehab, you are giving yourself a safe space to focus on your well-being. Distancing yourself from addiction triggers such as daily stress, certain friends, or parties allows you to adjust to sobriety.

Furthermore, it serves as a great testing ground for new techniques and coping mechanisms to implement in your life. This ties back into the flexibility of inpatient care, where addicts have a great amount of freedom. By reducing the many distractions of the real world and allowing yourself to develop independently, you avoid potential relapse.

Working with a Community

Though not everyone works well in groups, addicts who enroll in inpatient care often gain a great sense of community. Regardless of how well you work in groups, it is essential to develop some companionship among other people. Whether a fellow addict, a therapist, friend, or family member, bonding to others in your recovery makes a great difference.

Building a community with other addicts is comforting because you know you are not alone in your struggles. This comfort can prevent a lot of inner turmoil and self-destructive thoughts—you are not alone in making these mistakes. Additionally, building these relationships also builds a foundation of support and confidence knowing there are people rooting for your success.

Finally, rehabilitation centers also encourage mending and rebuilding bonds between addicts and their families. There are specific programs that focus on repairing dysfunctional families, providing therapy for both the addict and their family. You learn not only to avoid codependence—a common problem developed in addiction—but also how to establish boundaries.

action adult affection eldery 339620Inpatient care is a go-to for many addicts for several strong reasons. It applies enough restrictions to give addicts guidance, but plenty of freedom to find the right comfort. With the support of professionals, therapists, friends, family, and other addicts, you can develop a strong support system for recovery. Most importantly, inpatient care provides the ability to develop and change to ultimately emerge as a greater person.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, contact a local Treatment & Rehab alternative in Tennessee. You might be interested in Discovery Place’s own treatment center alternatives, such as our 30 Day Residential Addiction Alternative Recovery Program or our Long Term Alternative Recovery Program in Burns, Tennessee. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-725-0922.

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