Category: Treatment & Rehab


Medically Assisted Addiction Treatment

While Discovery Place cannot answer that question for you, we would like to share some information that may help you answer that question for yourself. Our Executive Director, Thomas McCollum has 10 years of personal experience with medically assisted treatment. Here’s his story:

trauma and addiction

How Physical Trauma Affects Addiction

Trauma and addiction oftentimes go hand in hand. If you ask someone what got them into using drugs and alcohol heavily, physical trauma or injury can often be heard as an answer in response. Physical trauma has such a profound effect on the lives of individuals who experience it. Obviously

family counseling for addiction

The Effectiveness of Family Counseling for Addiction Treatment

Family counseling for addiction can be extremely beneficial. Anyone who has a loved one struggling with drugs or alcohol can agree that addiction doesn’t just affect the person who is using drugs or alcohol. Addiction is a family disease, and everyone involved in the person’s life on a day to

recovering addict holds his partner's hand
Family Support

How An Addict’s Behavior Changes Your Relationship

Being in a close relationship with an addict—be it a spouse, parent, child, or sibling—can be difficult. Emotional struggles and domestic issues are common in relationships with addicts. Consequently, sometimes living with addicts and their unhealthy behavior can make you feel uncomfortable or even unsafe. Typical addict behavior in relationships

Treatment & Rehab

How to Help Someone Who Self-Harms

Self-harm can affect anyone in your life, from family members to friends and acquaintances. Age, social class, and gender do not matter when it comes to self-harm. It can be crucial to know how to help someone who self-harms in order to potentially save their life. Mental health concern can

man needs treatment for mental health during rehab in Nashville, TN

Signs and Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

Signs of Xanax addiction can be blatantly obvious or they can manifest in ways that are hard to see. Taking this drug as it is prescribed can still lead to a physical dependence leading to addictive behaviors. Understanding the risks and the signs that you or a loved one may

what is polysubstance abuse
Treatment & Rehab

What is Polysubstance Abuse?

Drug abuse is becoming more and more common in America. It is also becoming common for drug users to use more than one substance. So what is polysubstance abuse? The short answer is using more than one drug to reach a state of euphoria considered to be “acceptable” to the

cocaine withdrawal

How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?

When a person uses cocaine for long periods of time, it can cause the user to require greater amounts of the drug in order to achieve the effect they are seeking. Now what happens when a person stops using cocaine? How long does cocaine withdrawal last? Well, that depends on


Xanax and Alcohol Interaction

Xanax interacts with other drugs and substances in different ways. For example, did you know that if you are taking Xanax, you should avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice? This is because grapefruit contains a chemical that can affect how your liver metabolizes Xanax. You should also avoid alcohol if you

Treatment & Rehab

Can Alcoholics Ever Drink Again?

Wanting to remain sober while wishing you could drink alcohol can seem paradoxical and confusing to yourself and those surrounding you. But many people who stop drinking regularly ask the same question: “Will I ever be able to drink again?” It can be difficult to maintain sobriety when surrounded by