Category: Sober Living

The Shame Cycle of Addiction and How to Break It

The Shame Cycle of Addiction and How to Break It

Addiction is acquainted with various negative feelings that cloud our perception: anxiety, fear, anger, depression, and most of all shame. Oftentimes we will go out of our way to hide these feelings when suppressing said feelings actually intensifies them. Furthermore, because we obsess over these dark thoughts, it almost seems

Living and Recovering in a World of Anxiety

Living and Recovering in a World of Anxiety

Anxiety is a crippling feeling of worry, unease, and apprehension of life and the world around us. Everyone deals with anxiety to some degree, but anxiety levels are higher than ever in today’s society. Every year, over 40 million adults—nearly 20 percent of the American population—suffer from anxiety disorders in

What is Addiction Transference?

What is Addiction Transference?

There are many addictions that millions of people battle every year—drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sex addiction–even food and gaming addictions are fought on a daily basis throughout the United States. Addiction can apply not only to drugs but even daily habits and activities. Human beings can become addicted to just

How To Engage In A 12-Step Meeting
12 Step Program

How To Engage In A 12-Step Meeting

After you have completed a treatment program for alcohol and substance abuse, you want to make sure that you keep up with continued care and support. Group meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, for instance, are a popular way to meet, discuss, and socialize with others that understand you and

Three Major Signs of Relapse to Watch Out For

Three Major Signs of Relapse to Watch Out For

Recovery is a difficult but crucial process to undertake when choosing a life of sobriety. Many hurdles stand between an addict and their addiction, even post-recovery. Any addict, even ones with straightforward and effective recoveries, may struggle with relapse. Relapse is a return to compulsive and addictive behaviors, causing a

Why Keeping In-Touch With Support After Recovery Is Important
12 Step Program

Why Keeping In-Touch With Support After Recovery Is Important

The stages of substance abuse start slowly as the disease takes hold and then rapidly speed up to end in a very sad, isolated existence. There are five stages that one goes through before they have a full-on addiction: Experimentation which is the voluntary use of substances and usually engaging

How to Take Time Off for Rehab

How to Take Time Off for Rehab

Finding the opportunity and courage to enroll in rehab can be among the biggest and challenging steps of recovery. Some fear the unknown of rehabilitation and processes such as detox and group sessions. Others hold a firm stance against rehabilitation because they cannot imagine a life without drugs or alcohol.

Are Partners of Alcoholics Prone to Addiction?

Are Partners of Alcoholics Prone to Addiction?

Alcoholism is not a choice and facing the consequences as an addict is a taxing ordeal. Among these consequences is the effect it has friends, family, business associates, and others. Spouses are often the greatest victims of these situations,–living with their partner’s problems and anger on a daily basis. Because

Marijuana Use Disorder: Understanding Signs and Myths

Three Fundamentals of Addiction Treatment

Treatment is an important part of the recovery process of addiction, yet it brings many fears to mind. Some worry about the intensity of trying to maintain sobriety, others dread interacting with professionals. Perhaps they fear medical procedures and the unknowns of treatment can intimidate addicts away from seeking any

Strategies To Help Avoid Relapse

Strategies To Help Avoid Relapse

When one is ready to get clean and reclaim their health and life it is a commendable action. Entering treatment is an intimidating proposition for many addicts. Once initial treatment has been completed, the feeling of getting back to your life with all the positive benefits you’ve gained can be