Category: Sober Living

Recovery Testimony

Robert Kennedy Jr and Russell Brand made a surprise visit to Discovery Place

What are the odds? A million to one? Two million to one? Run the numbers on it? Punching up the math and science behind matters of the spiritual leaves me perpetually frustrated. Yet, most often my mind makes the vain attempt to apply synthetic knowledge to situations beyond my finite

stay sober during the holidays

Tips for Staying Sober During the Holidays

Recovery is a process of growth and change, and it can be difficult on any normal day. But what about the potentially stressful time known as the holiday season? People in recovery, specifically early recovery, often wonder how others manage to stay sober during the holidays. The holidays are a

Family Support

A Guide to Sober Partying

Many people associate partying with drinking alcohol or taking drugs. It’s a time where many lose their inhibitions, dance without worrying about how they look, and talk to new people. If you are beginning a new life of sobriety, you may feel that you have to give up this part

How Do Attachment Styles Affect Our Current Relationships?
Sober Living

How Do Attachment Styles Affect Our Current Relationships?

How bonds are learned and formed in early childhood can heavily impact and inform how adults approach relationships later in life. This is known as attachment theory. What Is Attachment Theory? Attachment theory is the notion that suggests how people approach and function within relationships as adults is developed during

How to Rebuild Trust in Relationships After Rehab
Sober Living

How to Rebuild Trust in Relationships After Rehab

After leaving rehab, you will have to begin the process of readjusting to life while sober. Before attending rehab, you may have fractured many close relationships due to your active addiction, and this realization may leave you feeling deflated, lost, and alone. You may also have felt distrustful of others

What Is Vivitrol and How Does It Work?
Treatment & Rehab

What Is Vivitrol and How Does It Work?

Characterized by an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in an addictive behavior irrespective of the physical and psychological harm caused, addictions are complex disorders that impact individuals in various ways. Individuals suffering from addiction may have altered brain function. This leads to intense cravings that make substances

Asking for Help in Recovery - What You Need to Know
Sober Living

Asking for Help in Recovery – What You Need to Know

Integrating recovery and everyday life can be challenging. It is a journey of personal growth that requires you to leave behind past habits and build up new healthy ones. When you were struggling with addiction, you probably spent a lot of time hiding your addictive behavior and substance abuse and

The Art of Letting Go
Sober Living

The Art of Letting Go

Negative emotions like fear, guilt, anger, and resentment are tough ones to shake. We get so used to them that we stop noticing how much they paralyze our lives because when we can’t release and move on from them, that’s exactly what they do. If there’s one positive lesson that

5 Ways 12-Step Groups Can Help Support You - Discovery Place
12 Step Program

5 Ways 12-Step Groups Can Help Support You

The 12-step program was first established as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) in 1935 and has since become one of the most tried and tested treatment programs for treating a wide variety of addictions, including drug abuse and behavioral addiction problems.  What is the 12-Step Framework? 12-step programs are a framework for

What To Expect During Your First Year of Recovery

What To Expect During Your First Year of Recovery

Now that you’re coming out of an addiction treatment and rehab program in Tennessee, you might not know how to feel. You’ll have to navigate your newfound life of sobriety on your own; although support groups and family can help, you ultimately have to decide how to best stay on