Strategies To Help Avoid Relapse

When one is ready to get clean and reclaim their health and life it is a commendable action. Entering treatment is an intimidating proposition for many addicts. Once initial treatment has been completed, the feeling of getting back to your life with all the positive benefits you’ve gained can be both refreshing and scary. There are many questions you may have about how to function outside of treatment and if you will be able to stay sober. 

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), preventing relapse is best done through avoiding many triggers which can cause stress such as people, places, things, moods, and physically being in the presence of the drug to which you have had an issue with. Luckily there are newer therapies that have been developed which can help combat these triggers. Certainly, though, an addict who understands where their weaknesses lie can better help them to keep their distance.

What Makes Someone Relapse After They Have Completed Treatment?

After you have completed a treatment program it is important to know you are not cured–full rehabilitation is a lifelong journey that you will have to make an effort with. As a psychological disorder, it takes a complex interweaving of approaches that target many factors to win the battle against addiction. Ridding the body of the physical drugs and alcohol is one step, then addressing the source of what is causing the substance abuse is the next. Once that is understood, an effective treatment plan is necessary.

Not every person who completes treatment will relapse. Some will. Even so, they too can find lifelong success because a relapse doesn’t mean you failed or that you have no hope for getting sober. The reality is it is a bumpy path to sobriety and even the strongest wills fall now and again. The NIDA reports that up to 60 percent of those in recovery relapse. The statistics may make it seem like addicts have the odds stacked against them. While it is true, that recovery is a challenge it doesn’t mean it is an impossibility.

How Can Someone In Recovery Avoid Relapse

Strategies To Help Avoid RelapseThose who struggle with addiction need to know themselves and understand their weaknesses and strengths. They need to accept their ups and downs and know that it won’t be easy. They need to stay away from triggers and build a supportive network of friends or others in recovery that understand their plight. Additionally, there is a benefit to continuing therapy for long-term encouragement, qualified assistance, and as an advocate. 

There have been many studies relating to exercise and other healthy living influences that are highly effective at discouraging negative behaviors such as engaging in drugs or alcohol use. Part of adding a fitness routine into one’s life is the routine itself. Finding structure means reliability and consistency which will help keep people on track towards meeting their goals and succeeding day-to-day. Structured schedules also reduce downtime where the mind can wander and get caught up in old, bad habits again.

Discovery Place in Tennessee is a medical detox and addiction alternative treatment center that can help those struggling with addiction. Our Burns, Tennessee addiction alternative treatment center is located in the beautiful rolling hills in the countryside of Tennessee which offers you a safe and calm place to begin your path to recovery.

Call our Tennessee detox alternative treatment center anytime day or night at 1-800-725-0922 to discuss your situation and obtain the help you need to get better.


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