Category: Recovery Testimony


Medically Assisted Addiction Treatment

While Discovery Place cannot answer that question for you, we would like to share some information that may help you answer that question for yourself. Our Executive Director, Thomas McCollum has 10 years of personal experience with medically assisted treatment. Here’s his story:

Recovery Testimony

Robert Kennedy Jr and Russell Brand made a surprise visit to Discovery Place

What are the odds? A million to one? Two million to one? Run the numbers on it? Punching up the math and science behind matters of the spiritual leaves me perpetually frustrated. Yet, most often my mind makes the vain attempt to apply synthetic knowledge to situations beyond my finite

Step 6: Willingness
12 Step Program

Step 4: Courage – Reflections On The 12 Steps Amidst Coronavirus

Coronavirus has instigated changes throughout most aspects of daily living, but the Twelve Steps of A.A. offer a design for living which is applicable in all circumstances. Each week we will be sharing staff reflections upon one of our recovery steps, as it relates to a corresponding principle. Previously, we’ve covered Step One,

How Does Rehabilitation Work

How Does Rehabilitation Work?

What is rehabilitation? Rehabilitation is when a person is treated for addiction and successfully recovers from it. There are multiple layers to treatment and recovery that are addressed during the rehabilitation process. Assessing and caring for the individual’s dependency, emotional health, physical health, and mental well-being so that one can

The Role of Therapy in Addiction Treatment
Recovery Testimony

How To Repair Your Brain After Addiction

It is known that excessive and chronic use of drugs or alcohol damages the brain. Some recovering addicts will have severe brain damage to deal with for the rest of their lives. This is a tough concept to digest. You may wonder if there is anything you can do to

Why Empathy Is Important For Recovery

Why Empathy Is Important For Recovery

Understanding and caring for others is the basis for strong relationships and healthy interactions. When you don’t try to understand others or if you are unable to grasp the feelings that another person is experiencing, your behavior towards them may not be suitable. When one is working on recovery from

What Is a Drug and Can Alcohol Be A Drug
12 Step Program

What Is a Drug and Can Alcohol Be A Drug?

What is a drug? What is the accepted definition? According to the Oxford dictionary, a drug is anything that is “a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.” So is alcohol a drug? ‘Yes, it is. Alcohol depresses the Central

How To Engage In A 12-Step Meeting
12 Step Program

How To Engage In A 12-Step Meeting

After you have completed a treatment program for alcohol and substance abuse, you want to make sure that you keep up with continued care and support. Group meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, for instance, are a popular way to meet, discuss, and socialize with others that understand you and

Why Keeping In-Touch With Support After Recovery Is Important
12 Step Program

Why Keeping In-Touch With Support After Recovery Is Important

The stages of substance abuse start slowly as the disease takes hold and then rapidly speed up to end in a very sad, isolated existence. There are five stages that one goes through before they have a full-on addiction: Experimentation which is the voluntary use of substances and usually engaging

Strategies To Help Avoid Relapse

Strategies To Help Avoid Relapse

When one is ready to get clean and reclaim their health and life it is a commendable action. Entering treatment is an intimidating proposition for many addicts. Once initial treatment has been completed, the feeling of getting back to your life with all the positive benefits you’ve gained can be