Category: Recovery Testimony

The Link Between Trauma and Substance Abuse

The Link Between Trauma and Substance Abuse

One of the main correlations between substance abuse and mental health difficulties is underlying trauma. In fact, 80% of women in treatment for alcohol or drugs underwent some sort of physical or sexual abuse. Trauma is not only physical, sexual, or emotional in nature; it also includes things such as

Church member and pot addict

How a Pot Addict Found Recovery at 19

Tanner didn’t mean to end up at Discovery Place. He didn’t really even mean to get sober. Following an impromptu family intervention after threatening suicide, he hadn’t agreed to treatment, but he hadn’t not agreed to treatment either. His mother had heard about a place near Nashville on Dr. Phil

Soldier, Medic, Veteran, Addict

Soldier & Addict: How This Veteran Found Purpose Again Without Pills

It’s 2001. September 11 is still five months away. Two rubber tubes filled with air are strapped around Steve’s chest and abdominal wall. Their job is to monitor when his chest or abdomen expands causing the air in the tubes to move. Any changes in respiratory behavior are observed and

Older Man Covering His Face

Getting Sober Older: Finding Long-term Sobriety After 60

It started out like the hundreds, if not thousands, of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings he’d sat through before. A clubhouse, plastic lawn chairs, crowds of seemingly happy sober alcoholics gathered together to discuss recovery. Steve was back at Discovery Place after a relapse and that morning all the guests were taken

His Chronic Alcoholism Was Killing Him. Then He Found Help.

Josh K. knew from an early age he was going to experiment with drugs and alcohol. When a Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E) officer came to his middle school to share about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, rather than hearing to avoid these substances, Josh instead heard what sounded

nashville prime time mens retreat

Nashville “Prime Time” Men’s Retreat: A Newcomer’s Experience

Discovery Place was represented by several staff members and alumni at the 3rd annual Prime Time Men’s Retreat at YMCA’s Camp Widjiwagan in Nashville this past weekend (Oct. 18-20, 2013). Two Discovery Place attendees, Andy J. and Bob O., also presented their perspective and experience working the steps during the speaker sessions (more

Returning to Discovery Place After Relapse

Dave L. can tell you where he was and what he was thinking the day he realized his son was an alcoholic. Luke, Dave’s oldest son, had been working for him at the time when he called out sick from work again. It wasn’t a huge red flag—not a stolen

recovery program fellowship night

Fellowship Night at Discovery Place- Addiction Recovery with Friends – Video

If you can’t have fun in sobriety, you probably won’t stay sober. In an effort to engage and offer healthy recreational options to the Middle Tennessee sober community, Discovery Place created Fellowship Night. This free event offers those in recovery, young and old, the opportunity to get together and enjoy

nashville prime time mens retreat a newcomers experience part 2

Nashville Prime Time Men’s Retreat: A Newcomer’s Experience, Part 2

NOTE: This is part two of a series of blog posts detailing some of the experiences and highlights of the author, a newcomer, at the 3rd annual 2013 Prime Time Men’s Retreat taking place Friday, Oct. 18 to Sunday, Oct. 20 at Nashville’s Camp Widjiwagan. This account covers the presentations of Step One through