The Correlation of Alcoholism and Heart Disease

Alcohol is a substance commonly associated with adverse nuances—it can be highly addictive, indirectly influence abuse, and create a myriad of health problems. In fact, alcohol often symbolizes many negative ideas such as the seven deadly sins in other ideologies. In media and entertainment, people who drink or abuse alcohol typically become labeled as antagonists or even villains.

To say many consider alcohol a vice or poison would be a grave understatement, one that may be exaggerated. Alcohol alone is not harmful or poisonous, but rather excessive abuse of it. In fact, some studies show that moderate consumption of alcohol can improve health. Nevertheless, numerous problems occur through excessive use and put many vital parts of the body in danger—including the heart.

Health Risks of the Heart

Alcohol itself may not be dangerous, but intense abuse of it links to several health problems. These vary from psychological issues such as depression and anxiety to physical issues such as cancer and diseases. In the case of the heart, alcohol abuse can cause a variety of problems.

Alcohol abuse can also cause heart diseases, induce stroke, as well as increase blood pressure. One example of heart disease is known as alcoholic cardiomyopathy, which weakens and thins the muscles of the heart. With weak muscles, the heart struggles to pump blood, disrupting the major functions of the body. Ultimately, this can lead to not just the harm of other organs but also heart failure.

How Alcohol Affects the Heart

Though alcohol has been linked to various diseases, note that these are issues that do not develop overnight; rather, the abuse of alcohol over time gradually wears down the body in ways that cause these issues. For example, alcoholism can cause heart attacks due to difficulty supplying the heart with oxygen from weak muscles.

For strokes, alcohol can raise fatty levels in the blood that create clots in the bloodstream and arteries. Furthermore, alcohol abuse can trigger problems of high blood pressure, breaking off foreign substances such as plaque and creating clots. Moreover, clots can develop from tearing tissue due to increased blood pressure.

In addition, alcohol use can be even more dangerous if a person has a history of different heart problems. These can be links in family history, previous history of heart attacks, diabetes, heart failure, arrhythmia, and high blood pressure. Not only can alcohol abuse develop these problems, but it can further deteriorate someone already fighting these issues.

Handling Alcoholism and Tending the Heart

Alcohol addiction is a sensitive subject that hurts not only addicts but extends to family and friends. The heart The Correlation of Alcoholism and Heart Diseasestruggles with not just with physical ailments, but the emotional and psychological problems that wound the metaphorical heart.

The first step to handling alcoholism and a broken heart is to recognize the addiction and the problems it causes. When a person acknowledges these troubles, they can begin seeking recovery and even to improve their health. Recovery does not always have to transpire alone either but can be practiced with close friends and family. By pursuing treatment, alcoholics can not only seek sobriety but also the recovery of the heart.

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, contact Discovery Place’s Treatment & Rehab alternative in Tennessee. You might be interested in Discovery Place’s own treatment center alternatives, such as our 30 Day Residential Addiction Alternative Recovery Program or our Long Term Alternative Recovery Program in Burns, Tennessee. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-725-0922.

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