Handling Your Inevitable Drug Cravings

Contrary to popular belief, it is not uncommon to fall into relapse and feel old drug cravings rekindle after completing a rehab process. In fact, relapse for substance abuse disorders occurs to up to 60% of recovering victims. Relapse and cravings may not be something to celebrate but are not worth panicking over. Furthermore, relapse itself does not make you a failure, as many addicts can and will undergo relapse.

When you feel a craving, it can feel like returning the original state of mind for addiction. When addicted, the brain is wired to crave a substance or act on impulsive activity almost as if for survival. Cravings can be sporadic feelings of this but can be mitigated and controlled through implemented practices.

Changing and Redirecting Your Thoughts

Negative thoughts and mindsets easily leave many feeling trapped, but they have a simple solution: stop thinking about them. Of course, this can be easier said than done, and may not be the answer we want to hear. Nevertheless, it may not be something we want to do, but is something we need to do.

The human mind becomes easily trapped in stress, but ways to alleviate it exist far and wide. When you find yourself trapped, consider different activities or chores you need to finish. From taking a shower to dusting the house or taking a walk outside and seeing a friend.

When you choose to shift your mind to more productive thoughts and activities, you avoid problematic drug cravings. Even if you only distract from it briefly, you begin to train your mind and body to ignore cravings altogether.

Peace of Mind

Why do people begin to abuse drugs? The answer differs for everyone, but evidence suggests a strong correlation between substance abuse and stress. Perhaps the stress comes from work or family affairs, but both push addicts towards desperate means to escape. Substance abuse is one of these solutions yet hardly the best solution for the various health problems substances can cause.

Instead, recovering addicts need to search for healthier alternatives to cope with these stressors of daily life. One potential possibility would be adopting meditation into your daily life and for various reasons. Not only has meditation been proven to reduce stress, but it also provides numerous health benefits. These include lowering blood pressure, maintaining anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other physical health conditions.

Practicing meditation can be crucial in sobriety and another method to distract from cravings. Meditation can range from simple breathing exercises to entire rituals but vary for each person. Even if certain meditation exercises may not work out for you, there are many different methods to consider trying.

Seek Help, and Help Others

Drug addiction can be a difficult experience not only before and during treatment but also in sobriety. But the Handling Your Inevitable Drug Cravingsstruggle does not need to be suffered alone; in fact, you should seek help when you find yourself struggling to control your addiction. Having others to confide with your problems and provide support are crucial components to uphold sobriety. Additionally, you may find that working with a therapist or person experienced with difficulties in addiction.

Likewise, you may also consider providing the same for other addicts striving for sobriety. Helping others serves as a great way to distract from your own toils, allowing you to look at addiction from the outside. Furthermore, by helping others, we avoid the selfish mentality of addiction and focus on more than just ourselves.

Ultimately, the greatest thing you can do for addiction cravings is to recognize them at all. Admit where you falter and begin to feel pressure, and seek further aid and support. By recognizing your faults and being mindful of your circumstances, you can regulate the burdens of drug cravings.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, contact Discover Place’s Treatment & Rehab alternative in Tennessee. You might be interested in Discovery Place’s own treatment center alternatives, such as our 30 Day Residential Addiction Alternative Recovery Program or our Long Term Alternative Recovery Program in Burns, Tennessee. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-725-0922.

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