Category: Alcohol

Alcohol Addiction Recovery and Inpatient Treatment Programs

Alcohol Addiction Recovery and Inpatient Treatment Programs

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, you may be wondering what appropriate treatment options are available to help ensure a successful recovery. There are certain factors that determine which treatment option is the most suitable for each individual, such as how long the individual has

How to Support Alcoholics in the Family

How to Support Alcoholics in the Family

Drug addiction is a burden not only for the user but for their family and friends. Families of drug addicts and alcoholics especially suffer the brunt of arguments and abuse. Spouses typically become verbal or physical target practice, while children grow up in an unhealthy environment and live in danger.

Obstacles In The Road To Recovery

Obstacles In The Road To Recovery

The first step towards recovery is for addicts to acknowledge a problem exists that they can’t control and what they want to obtain help. Some addicts have been in and out of treatment and are familiar with the process. Many, though are facing their first time in this position and

Are Partners of Alcoholics Prone to Addiction?

Are Partners of Alcoholics Prone to Addiction?

Alcoholism is not a choice and facing the consequences as an addict is a taxing ordeal. Among these consequences is the effect it has friends, family, business associates, and others. Spouses are often the greatest victims of these situations,–living with their partner’s problems and anger on a daily basis. Because

The Difference Between Heavy Drinking and Alcoholism

Could You Have A Drinking Problem?

Alcohol is a prevalent substance in our society and it is used in almost all social situations from intimate get-togethers with friends, to large parties, and even corporate events. Alcohol is everywhere. The majority of the public can consume alcohol without issue, but for some, this isn’t the case. When

Understanding Substance Abuse In Youths
12 Step Program

Understanding Substance Abuse In Youths

It is a common phenomenon for teens to experiment with drugs and alcohol. They may first try a bit at a party or a friend’s house. After they first give in to try drugs or alcohol they are more likely to try them again. Before long, they can be regularly


Why Inpatient Care is the Definitive Method of Drug Rehabilitation

When you think of addicts and their recovery, chances are the first notion you think of is inpatient care. You see it represented in movies, TV shows, and read about it in books for characters who seek treatment. Rarely will you see them being treated by a doctor from home,

Why Psychotherapy is an Effective Treatment Method

Handling and Treating Anxiety in Inpatient Care

There are a number of common fears many patients feel when enrolling in recovery. Fear, shame, anger, and helplessness are just a few of the many emotions that drug addicts frequently feel. However, one of the most common and troubling feelings that patients struggle with is anxiety. Anxiety places people

Rebuilding Relationships After Addiction

Often referred to as a family disease, addiction affects every part of an individual’s life and relationships negatively. It’s not just the person struggling with a substance abuse problem that needs treatment, close loved ones and families also need interventions from the impact abuse puts on everyone.  Addicts don’t think


The Importance of Art Therapy in Recovery

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction treatment, there are many common concepts that come to mind. Most think of patients attending and living in rehabilitation centers, or groups of addicts discussing their problems together. Some addicts may focus on recovery with new exercise routines, or explore a new