The Importance of Art Therapy in Recovery

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction treatment, there are many common concepts that come to mind. Most think of patients attending and living in rehabilitation centers, or groups of addicts discussing their problems together. Some addicts may focus on recovery with new exercise routines, or explore a new hobby.

These hobbies typically serve as outlets for patients to express themselves and the problems they face, such as exercising or writing. However, some addicts have difficulty conveying their feelings with words and explanations. For many of these people, using artistic expression may be far more effective and enjoyable for them.

Using artistic hobbies such as painting for rehabilitation may seem strange at first, yet there is scientific evidence backing it. Therapy involving artistic creativity can reduce anxiety and serve as an additional outlet for emotional turmoil. With proper research, you may be able to decide if art therapy is the right treatment for you.

How Art Therapy Works

Recovery in drug rehab is a long, arduous process with multiple phases. Before investigating different types of remedies, drug addicts must undergo the process of detox: abstaining from certain substances to clear the body of toxic or unhealthy qualities. Once detoxification is complete, the patient can begin investigating how to recover emotionally and psychologically.

One potential treatment process is art therapy, a holistic treatment administered by certified therapists. Holistic medicine is meant to address the “whole” person—mind, body, and spirit—by utilizing alternative yet conventional means. With extensive psychotherapy and counseling, a therapist can help an addict recover through the discussion and creation of art.

Artistic expression allows for patients to output their feelings and experiences of their addiction freely and in a safe environment. Furthermore, building this new hobby puts attention on learning new skills such as paint mixing instead of constantly on oneself.

The Atmosphere of Art Therapy

Former drug addicts often recover from stressful environments filled with emotional noise such as pressure, depression, and fear. In contrast, art therapy is held in non-threatening spaces with order, structure, but also tranquility. Additionally, art therapy also requires little conversation and centers on artistic illustration.

This can make art therapy especially effective for those who struggle with one-on-one discussions and therapy sessions. With less emphasis on putting feelings into words, patients can instead communicate them through art and discuss their work.

Finding a Rehab Center That Provides Art Therapy

Though there are many rehabilitation centers in the country, not all may provide art therapy as an option specifically. When considering art therapy as a method, you will need to seek out holistic rehab centers. These locations have therapists who specialize in atypical methods such as art therapy.

By seeking these specialists, addicts can follow these systems in a way that works best for them. It should be noted, however, that art therapy is not a way to ignore the reality of one’s addiction. It is a methodology that helps addicts dig out and uncover feelings they otherwise would bury. Through investing in art therapy, it can create dialogue and reveal important information revolving around an addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, contact a local Treatment & Rehab alternative in Tennessee. You might be interested in Discovery Place’s own treatment center alternatives, such as our 30 Day Residential Addiction Alternative Recovery Program or our Long Term Alternative Recovery Program in Burns, Tennessee. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-725-0922.

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