Category: Symptoms

Is Your Partner An Alcoholic

Is Your Partner An Alcoholic?

Do you think that your spouse has a problem with alcohol? Chances are if you are questioning their relationship with drinking there could be an underlying problem that you both are sweeping under the rug. It is not an easy conversation or realization when you have to address a potential

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder and Dual Diagnosis

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder and Dual Diagnosis

Feelings of hopelessness, discomfort, and restlessness go hand in hand with addiction—after all, nearly half of all addicts are dual diagnosis victims, meaning that they have co-occurring substance abuse and mental health issues. Substance abusers might already know the feeling of substance-induced anxiety disorder, which is just one of a

Common Types of Alcoholics

Common Types of Alcoholics

Over 90 percent of people who would benefit from treatment for alcoholism don’t feel they need it, causing many to never seek support despite the toll their addiction might have on their lives. This disconnect between addicts and treatment stems in part from the misconception that alcoholics are crippled, unemployed

Can One Addiction Be Replaced With Another?

Can One Addiction Be Replaced With Another?

Cultural influence has transformed many myths and false assumptions into the common perception of how others experience addiction. Because of this, understanding addiction from an outsider’s point of view can be difficult or even inaccurate. For example, many believe that addiction is simply a one-time experience with alcohol, drug, or

The Correlation of Alcoholism and Heart Disease

The Correlation of Alcoholism and Heart Disease

Alcohol is a substance commonly associated with adverse nuances—it can be highly addictive, indirectly influence abuse, and create a myriad of health problems. In fact, alcohol often symbolizes many negative ideas such as the seven deadly sins in other ideologies. In media and entertainment, people who drink or abuse alcohol

What Symptoms to Expect During Heroin Detox

What Symptoms to Expect During Heroin Detox

Heroin addiction accounts for over ten thousand overdose fatalities a year by the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s latest count, setting itself apart as not only the most abused, lethal opioid (by far), but also as one of the most destructive drugs in the world. Getting help for a heroin

The Expensive Life Of An Addict

The Expensive Life Of An Addict

Studies show that addicts who are deep in their addiction will spend over $100 each day for their fix. Others will spend even more and they will do anything to obtain the money needed to get their drug of choice.  Those who are heavily addicted to drugs also suffer losses

The Risks of Methadone Usage

The Risks of Methadone Usage

When it was first developed, Methadone was something of a miracle narcotic, treating heroin-addicted veterans from Vietnam by giving them a stronger, safer drug to taper off with. At the time, there weren’t any other treatments for opiate addicts, and to the day, Methadone is a valuable medication in controlled

Wet Brain Syndrome: A Consequence of Alcohol Abuse

Wet Brain Syndrome: A Consequence of Alcohol Abuse

Chronic alcoholism inflicts progressively greater tolls on an addict, many of which can be cured through abstinence and treatment. However, some of the effects of alcohol addiction are permanent. Wet brain syndrome is just one such permanent consequence of alcohol abuse, and will accompany an affected alcoholic for the rest

Learning and Understanding the Process of Addiction

Learning and Understanding the Process of Addiction

Addiction can be a confusing, stressful, and difficult time for not only the onlookers of it but the addict themselves. Though addiction’s problems should not be undermined, friends and family often struggle to see the experience from the inside. There exist common misconceptions regarding addiction such as an addict’s morality,