Category: Symptoms

How Others Are Harmed by Your Drinking Problems

How Others Are Harmed by Your Drinking Problems

In 2019, nearly 20% of the United States suffered from excessive drinking problems. These problems also link closely to violent crimes, premature death, and injury. However, these injuries do not just affect alcoholics, but the people around them—friends and family alike. Furthermore, one in five people—or over 50 million—are affected

The Relationship Between Alcohol And The Heart

The Relationship Between Alcohol and the Heart

You’ve heard it often, alcohol is good for the heart. A bit of red wine here and there is going to protect you from a heart attack, so enjoying yourself is good, right? For some people this is true but for others, it doesn’t apply. When engaged in moderate drinking

The Stages of Relapse in Addiction

The Stages of Relapse in Addiction

“Relapse” a terrifying word to any addict desperately trying to push through rehabilitation and achieve sobriety. It is frighteningly common—with a 40 to 60 percent rate amongst addicts—and can not only occur after recovery but multiple recoveries. The idea of relapse is every recovering addict’s worst nightmare and can make

Resentment and Relapse in Recovery

Resentment and Relapse in Recovery

In the toil of addiction, addicts linger in denial, misery, and shame, yet accept their position with little argument. This naturally changes in rehabilitation and treatment, but how much of it truly changes? Oftentimes, addicts find they are still unhappy, ashamed of their actions and current position, ultimately resulting in

Why is Anxiety So Common in Addiction?

Why is Anxiety So Common in Addiction?

Many universal feelings and mental illnesses recur among many different addicts, such as depression, shame, guilt, and anger. Every addict experiences these struggles differently, however. For some, their feelings of depression trigger the addiction, while for others the addiction triggers depression. One of the most common emotions and mental disorders

The Dangerous Long-Term Affects of Cocaine

The Dangerous Long-Term Affects of Cocaine

Experimenting with drugs is common amongst teenagers and young adults due to the euphoric feelings most drugs temporarily produce. However, the feeling of the drug distracts users from it’s long-term and possibly permanent effects on the body. Understanding the negative impact of drugs may help individuals make better lifestyle choices

The Shame Cycle of Addiction and How to Break It

The Shame Cycle of Addiction and How to Break It

Addiction is acquainted with various negative feelings that cloud our perception: anxiety, fear, anger, depression, and most of all shame. Oftentimes we will go out of our way to hide these feelings when suppressing said feelings actually intensifies them. Furthermore, because we obsess over these dark thoughts, it almost seems

Living and Recovering in a World of Anxiety

Living and Recovering in a World of Anxiety

Anxiety is a crippling feeling of worry, unease, and apprehension of life and the world around us. Everyone deals with anxiety to some degree, but anxiety levels are higher than ever in today’s society. Every year, over 40 million adults—nearly 20 percent of the American population—suffer from anxiety disorders in

Heroin's Highs Aren't Worth It's Lows
12 Step Program

Heroin’s Highs Aren’t Worth It’s Lows

Heroin isn’t a drug you can do one day and then just decide you can do without the next. It is highly addictive and even one use can be fatal. Unfortunately, heroin use is on the rise across the United States and has a strong relationship to the opioid epidemic.

The Relationship Between Paranoid Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse Disorder

The Relationship Between Paranoid Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse Disorder

Individuals who suffer from paranoid personality disorder do not trust others and are always suspicious of the people around them, believing that people have malicious intent towards them. People who suffer from this disorder also interpret the actions and words of others as deceptive or threatening. As a result, they