Category: Addiction

The Differences Between Substance Misuse, Abuse, and Addiction
12 Step Program

The Differences Between Substance Misuse, Abuse, and Addiction

The terms “misuse,” “abuse,” and “addiction” are often used interchangeably when discussing drug addiction, but in truth, each is unique from one another. In many contexts, this layman’s replacement is perfectly acceptable—for example, whether you hear that someone is an alcohol abuser, alcohol addict, or alcoholic, you likely get the

Computer used for remote recovery meetings

UPDATE: Remote Recovery Meetings – A Meeting Alternative In Quarantine

March 26th Update: Most Recent & Complete Nashville Zoom Meeting Schedule In recovery, community is paramount. Through wars, natural disasters and pandemics, the communal transmission of our principles has and will continue to pass physical and emotional sobriety from one alcoholic/ addict to another. We will accept today’s life, on

The Role of Therapy in Addiction Treatment

The Role of Therapy in Addiction Treatment

From an outside perspective, addiction can be difficult to watch and filled with many questions: Why do addicts abuse drugs? Why do they continue to abuse drugs knowing how unhealthy it can be? Why do they so firmly push the help of friends and family away? From an inside perspective,

The Significance of Human Sociality in Treatment

The Significance of Human Sociality in Treatment

Addiction can be often described as a time of isolation for many. Substances such as opium, stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens exist to ease pain, including potential stress, relationship problems, and physical problems. Furthermore, in an ironic twist, drug abuse causes more problems and makes addicts feel shameful of their addiction.

How Can An Addiction To Marijuana Impact Your Life

How Can An Addiction To Marijuana Impact Your Life?

The trend of marijuana legalization is increasing across the nation. There are currently 33 states in addition to Washington, D.C. that have legalized medical marijuana use and 11 states that have legalized recreational marijuana use. More states are putting forth legislation regarding the legalization of marijuana. Poll after poll shows

Is Alcoholism A Disease?
12 Step Program

Is Alcoholism A Disease?

By definition, alcoholism is a diagnosable, treatable disease. Alcohol is a drug like any other, and while periodic drinks generally have only temporary effects, chronic usage can quickly form a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. If someone you know has an alcohol abuse problem, it’s important that they seek

What Is The Relationship Between Trauma And Addiction

What Is The Relationship Between Trauma And Addiction?

When someone struggles with alcohol and drugs there is often an underlying trauma and/or mental health disorder that can be strongly linked to their destructive behavior. Self-medicating is a common reason why a person will abuse a substance. They seek to numb the pain, escape their reality, or elevate their

What is Opioid Addiction?
12 Step Program

What is Opioid Addiction?

Opioid addiction, by its simplest definition, is a physical and psychological reliance on the continued use of various opioids and opiates. This addiction can have a pronounced, negative effect on the life of an addict, but can also be subtle and interfere minimally with an otherwise successful, happy life. Regardless,


Addressing Coronavirus – Guest Protection Precautions

Throughout our history, Discovery Place has prioritized the health, safety, and future potential of our guests. With this mission in mind, because of growing concerns over COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we are cancelling Family Visitation, Alumni Night, Guest Travel to Outside Meetings, and Internal Programming Provided by Outisde Entities. Discovery place Property

Why Depression Persists After Drug Addiction

Why Depression Persists After Drug Addiction

Depression is as much a symptom of addiction as it is one of withdrawal, yet clinically diagnosed feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, and overwhelming sadness can persist well after the withdrawal or detox period ends. The recovery process is a slow and painful undertaking, and it often has no clear end