Category: Addiction

what is polysubstance abuse
Treatment & Rehab

What is Polysubstance Abuse?

Drug abuse is becoming more and more common in America. It is also becoming common for drug users to use more than one substance. So what is polysubstance abuse? The short answer is using more than one drug to reach a state of euphoria considered to be “acceptable” to the


Xanax and Alcohol Interaction

Xanax interacts with other drugs and substances in different ways. For example, did you know that if you are taking Xanax, you should avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice? This is because grapefruit contains a chemical that can affect how your liver metabolizes Xanax. You should also avoid alcohol if you


How To Quit Smoking Weed

Marijuana has been decriminalized in most States, with many people seeing it as a harmless substance. Although smoking weed can be an acceptable way of treating pain, relieving stress, and unwinding, it is not entirely without risk, especially when used from a young age. While marijuana may be less habit-forming

Why Do Opioids Cause Withdrawals?

Why Do Opioids Cause Withdrawals?

To understand why opioids cause withdrawals, it is essential to uncover how they are addictive. By increasing your awareness of opioid abuse, you will have the ability to recognize the signs of dependency and addiction. This can assist you in seeking treatment and support. Why Do Opioids Cause Addiction? Opioids

Vicodin Addiction

Vicodin Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Vicodin (hydrocodone) is one of the most widely abused prescription painkillers in the United States. It is commonly prescribed to help treat moderate to severe pain, such as what would be experienced after a surgical procedure or injury. While Vicodin is highly effective in treating pain when taken as prescribed,

Opiate Withdrawal Timeline

Opiate Withdrawal Timeline

Heroin, morphine, codeine, and opium are all classified as opiates. Opiates are different from opioids, as they are naturally occurring and derived directly from the poppy plant. Opioids, like oxycodone, hydrocodone, and fentanyl are either semi-synthetic or fully synthetic. This means that they are able to produce the same effects

can a marriage survive drug addiction

Can A Marriage Survive Drug Addiction?

There are several reasons why almost half of all marriages end in divorce. From marrying too young or falling out of love to infidelity or unresolved resentment, not all marriages can survive the trials and tribulations that life brings. Can a marriage survive drug addiction? While painful, sometimes getting a

woman in meth rehab

5 Signs Your Loved One Needs Meth Rehab

Meth, which is also referred to as “trash,” is made up of several toxic chemicals that can be easily bought at local hardware stores and pharmacies. With a pseudoephedrine base, meth produces an energetic high that can be so euphoric that it keeps people coming back for more. Unfortunately, abusing

woman reaching for pill bottle full of addictive drugs

What is the Most Addictive Drug?

For centuries, addiction has been considered nothing short of a choice. People have continuously viewed those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol as people who have chosen substance abuse over all else in their lives, including their families, careers, and financial stability. Thankfully, extensive research has been done and

Step 6: Willingness
12 Step Program

Step Six: Willingness – Reflections On The 12 Steps Amidst Coronavirus

Coronavirus has instigated changes throughout most aspects of daily living, but the Twelve Steps of A.A. offer a design for living which is applicable in all circumstances. Each week we will be sharing staff reflections upon one of our recovery steps, as it relates to a corresponding principle. This week,