The Failed War on Drugs: Opioid Addiction

Within a span of five years, from 2010 to 2015, there was a 17% increase in heroin overdoses. We have been saying we are at war with addiction for some time now. We harp on the dangers of opiates, especially heroin; we know how quickly we can go from experimentation to abusing substances to IV drug use; we keep implementing new options from needle exchange programs to educational programs; yet these numbers keep increasing. We are failing this war on drugs. It is up to us to help win this battle.

What Is Opioid Addiction?

Opioid use disorder has similar symptoms to other alcohol and drug use disorders. The indications that you may be suffering from this disorder include:

The Failed War on Drugs: Opioid Addiction
  • Taking opiates more often and for a longer period than you first set out to do.
  • Lots of time spent wanting, trying to use less, or attempting to stop using opioids.
  • An intense desire and craving to engage in the use of opiates.
  • Continuing to use, regardless of the drug’s interference with occupational or educational goals and work
  • Not stopping use when it begins to affect home life and your ability to complete responsibilities at home.
  • Social or interpersonal troubles experienced due to your opiate use (regardless of noting this, you do not cease your opioid use).
  • Reduced time, or no longer participating at all, in the social, work, or leisure activities you once enjoyed (your substance of choice begins to become your social, occupational, and leisure activities, in a sense).
  • Using in hazardous situations or putting yourself in harmful conditions due to your use.
  • Mental health issues increasing due to your use (this does not stop you from continuing with your opioid relationship).
  • Changes to your tolerance.
  • Withdrawal symptoms experienced when the substance has left your system.

The World Today: In an Opioid Crisis

In 2017, there were 70,237 drug overdose deaths within the United States. 67.8%, or 47,600, of those deaths, were due to opiates. Between the years of 1999 to 2017, approximately 218,000 individuals passed away in the United States due to overdoses of prescribed opioids. Prescription opioids include hydrocodone, morphine, oxycodone, and codeine. States that demonstrated statistically noteworthy heightened numbers of drug overdose death rates between 2016 and 2017 included Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Those are just the reported cases; the numbers keep increasing.

Where to Turn for Help in Ceasing Substance Use in Burns, Tennessee

Changing friends, places, and things to regain yourself can be scary. Sometimes, the ability to hope for better goes out the window when we are in active addiction. Thankfully, help exists. Whether you are looking for an alcohol addiction program, a cannabis addition program, or an opioid addiction program, Burns, Tennessee is a wonderful city for you to get the help you need. Our trained professionals at Discovery Place are ready to help you this very moment. We have everything, from a 30-day residential program to continuing care for recovery. Give us a call at 1-800-725-0922. We want to give you back the hope you deserve through a sober and joyful life.

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