Search Results for: rehab tennessee drug alcohol treatment centers – Page 4

How to Rebuild Trust After Addiction
Sober Living

How to Rebuild Trust After Addiction

When individuals suffer from substance abuse disorder, it’s common for the relationships they have with their friends and family to get damaged. Once the body

The Stages of Relapse in Addiction

The Stages of Relapse in Addiction

“Relapse” a terrifying word to any addict desperately trying to push through rehabilitation and achieve sobriety. It is frighteningly common—with a 40 to 60 percent

How To Recognize And Respond To An Overdose

Opioid Addiction In Appalachia

The region of rural Appalachia has been hit very hard by the opioid epidemic and this area has the largest concentration of individuals addicted to

Why Heroin is so Addicting

Why Heroin is so Addicting

Heroin is a drug composed of the opium poppy and morphine, which makes heroin an opiate that targets opioid receptors in the brain. Heroin is

The Reason Why Meth is So Addicting

Understanding Why Meth is So Addicting

Methamphetamine is an addictive stimulant that impacts the central nervous system, whether it’s smoked, swallowed, snorted, or injected. Crystal methamphetamine is a specific type of