How to Rebuild Trust After Addiction

When individuals suffer from substance abuse disorder, it’s common for the relationships they have with their friends and family to get damaged. Once the body and mind become dependent on drugs, addicts often do and say anything to obtain more, even if that means putting themselves or their loved ones in danger, using hurtful language, stealing, and/or being violent. Sometimes addicts choose to avoid their sober loved ones because they feel guilty about their actions, or because they know they will not be accepted or tolerated under such circumstances. Relationships cannot be mended until addicts are ready to seek treatment, recover, and maintain life-long sobriety. Understanding how to repair broken relationships will help recovering addicts and their loved ones take the necessary steps to rebuild trust and reestablish their bond.

Steps for Mending Broken Bonds

Fixing broken relationships requires commitment, persistence, and patience. Sometimes a recovering addict’s loved ones are emotionally exhausted and full of resentment after all of the negative experiences they’ve endured due to their loved one’s behavioral choices. However, the first step is for those suffering from substance abuse disorder to successfully complete their alternative treatment program and achieve sobriety. Next, they must continue to work on themselves by finding healthy hobbies, making new sober friends, and returning to work. Once their loved ones see that they are committed to living a sober life, they may be more open to mending their relationship.

The next step is for individuals to acknowledge their mistakes, apologize, and ask for forgiveness from the loved ones they have hurt. After doing this, it’s important to remain trustworthy by keeping promises, showing up to plans and obligations, and doing what they said they would do. It may take time but continuing to stay active in a loved one’s life will show them that they are dedicated to living a better life and making better life choices.

Sometimes having face-to-face conversations is initially too difficult for both parties involved. Therefore, a great start would be to write a letter or send an email as a way to reach out. If a positive response is received, then a meeting in person and apologizing would be the next step. If not, the other party may still need time to process the information and heal before they’re ready to reconnect.

How to Cope with Rejection when Repairing Relationships

Even if an individual has achieved sobriety and is ready for a better life, their loved ones may not be ready to embrace them. It’s important for individuals not to get discouraged when this happens. As their loved ones heal from the past, it’s important for recovering addicts to forgive themselves, have empathy for their loved ones, and remain patient until their loved ones are ready to communicate.

Alternative Treatment Centers in Tennessee

How to Rebuild Trust After AddictionIf you have a loved one who is suffering from substance abuse disorder, it’s important to help them seek professional treatment at an alternative treatment center. At Discovery Place, we are a nontraditional treatment facility that has spent years assisting individuals recovering from drugs and alcohol. Some of our programs include a 30-Day Alternative Residential Addiction Recovery Program and a Long-Term Alternative Addiction Recovery Program. If you would like more information about our programs, call us at (800) 725-0922.

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