Search Results for: is addiction a disease – Page 4

Essential Facts About Clonazepam

Addiction Myths That Undermine Recovery

Many negative stigmas and false rumors tend to surround the topic of addiction. Oftentimes people falsely believe that addiction is a choice, not a mental


The Science of Addiction

Though addiction may be spurred in a variety of ways, there are a number of common links. These can be depression, familial losses, a divorce,

Are Some Predisposed To Addiction?

Are Some Predisposed To Addiction?

Addiction is a disease. By definition, it is a chronic disease of the brain that affects the systems of your brain including reward and memory.


Addressing Your Loved Ones About Your Addiction

Handling your own addiction can be difficult with its many trials and tribulation–resisting temptations, mood swings, experiencing withdrawals, and the health complications that come with