Why Practice is More Important Than Perfection in Recovery

“Practice makes perfect,” as the saying goes, and it is no secret that we strive for perfection in everything we do. In the family, in our hobbies, at work, with cooking, with our manners, we try to master everything. We strive to be perfect in every way despite knowing perfection is impossible.

It only makes sense that recovering addicts desperately try to achieve sobriety flawlessly. However, not only is this impossible, it may actually be better to avoid perfection altogether. Even though perfection technically means fewer problems overall, we learn a lot from our mistakes. Recovery from addiction is not about just attaining sobriety but learning from the mistakes of addiction.

People fall into relapse, or struggle to follow the 12 Step Program, and lash out at friends and family. But without these mistakes, there is no way to understand the consequences of our actions. By accepting to let go of perfectionism and accept mistakes, you can seek a more effective recovery.

Taking Action

Change requires more than simply learning and listening to advice from others—it also requires execution. If someone points out your tendency of pessimism, you can begin actively practicing positive thoughts, behavior, and reinforcement. Doing so may also discover other problems you have, such as anger management problems or anxiety disorder. Mental disorders are commonly paired with addictions, which makes treating them crucial in recovery.

Educating yourself in recovery is important because change cannot occur without the knowledge to do so; however, you also cannot apply knowledge without change. By reinforcing every doubt and every mistake with a new action, you can learn even more. Most of all, action promotes productivity, and productivity promotes change in your recovery.

Dealing with Excuses

Everyone makes excuses, whether we like it or not and whether we realize it or not. Addicts may even make excuses as to why they cannot and must not have an addiction or even avoid treatment. We take such focus on being the best we can that we refuse to admit our own mistakes or problems.

But by denying your mistakes, you harm your image of perfection more than if you were to admit the truth. Making excuses traps you inside your own problems and addiction, as well as preventing change for the better. Instead, keeping an open mind can provide a smoother and healthier recovery, even if filled with complications.

Perfectionism Prevents Change

For as much as we strive to be perfect, perfectionism obstructs much of what people do on a daily basis. “Perfect” Why Practice is More Important Than Perfection in Recoverypeople believe they have no need to take action and refuse to believe they are wrong. Ultimately, this makes a person static and most importantly: unable to change.

Change is the most crucial and central part of recovery and therapy for addiction. You adopt new routines, find new hobbies, and change your own habits. When you take action, you try new recovery methods, some that will work better for you than others. Consequently, you cannot know which methods are the most effective without trying them and changing your approach.

Recovery for addiction forces people out of their comfort zones with the mistakes they have made by making more mistakes. But by taking the initiative, accepting your problems and mistakes, and striving for a better life, you can overcome addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, contact a Discovery Place‘s Treatment & Rehab alternative Center in Tennessee. You might be interested in Discovery Place’s treatment center alternatives, such as our 30 Day Residential Addiction Alternative Recovery Program or our Long Term Alternative Recovery Program in Burns, Tennessee. Call us for a free consultation at 1-800-725-0922.

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