Migraine Headaches and Opioid Addiction

If you suffer from migraine headaches you know just how debilitating they can be. All too often, we look for quick relief from pain, especially when it comes to escaping the agony of a migraine. These recurring and extreme headaches tend to be much more than simply headaches. Other symptoms of migraines include queasiness, vertigo, and increased sensitivity to lights, sounds, and odors. If you have a migraine you probably also are experiencing an absence of appetite and instability regarding your bowels. During these attacks, the pain is often only felt on one side of the head.

Many people who are diagnosed with chronic migraines overdo their medications. This is considered to happen if you utilize a compound painkiller, opioid, triptan, or ergot derivative 10 or more days in a month. Often, opioids are prescribed to aid with the pain accompanying these debilitating headaches, which can lead to abuse.

Migraines are not the only reason opioids are prescribed or used by individuals. During 2016, approximately 948,000 Americans used heroin. This number does not include the 11.5 million individuals who used unprescribed narcotic pain killers. Narcotic pain killers include opioids such as codeine, morphine, methadone, oxycodone, Demerol, Vicodin, Dilaudid, Percocet, and OxyContin.

Signs of Opiate Abuse and Dependency

Opioid use disorder has similar symptoms to other alcohol and drug use disorders. The indications that you may be suffering from this disorder include:Migraine Headaches and Opioid Addiction

  • Taking opiates more often and for a longer period than you first set out to do
  • Lots of time spent wanting, trying to use less, or attempting to stop using opioids
  • Feeling cravings, an intense desire to engage in the use of opiates
  • Continuing to use regardless of the drug’s interference with occupational or educational goals and work
  • Not stopping use when it begins to affect home life and your ability to complete responsibilities at home
  • Social or interpersonal troubles experienced due to your opiate use
  • Reduced time, or no longer participating at all, in the social, work, or leisure activities you once enjoyed (your substance of choice begins to become your social, occupational, and leisure activities in a sense)
  • Continuing to use regardless of seeing that it is causing harm
  • Using in hazardous situations or putting yourself in harmful conditions due to your use
  • Mental health issues increasing due to your use, which does not stop you from continuing with your opioid relationship
  • Changes to your tolerance
  • Withdrawal symptoms experienced when the substance has left your system

The effects from the cessation of opiate use that you may experience depend upon the length of time you have been using or abusing it, the amount and frequency of the opiate you have been using, and the length of time you utilized the drugs. It also depends on your personal tolerance levels, any substance you have been combining with opiates, and physical and psychological preexisting factors. Some possible withdrawal symptoms include, but are not limited to, insomnia, yawning, and anxiety. Flu-like symptoms are often present when you stop utilizing opiates. These signs include having a runny nose, stomach cramps, and perspiration. Irritability, watery eyes, goosebumps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches are also frequently noted. Muscle spasms, as well as increased heart rate and blood pressure, are commonly seen in opiate detoxification cases.

Help Quitting Opioids

Detoxing from opiates and heroin can be accomplished in a variety of settings, including places equipped to handle detox such as a medical detox facility, at home, or in a hospital. For help in ceasing your opiate use, Discovery Place of Burns, Tennessee is an amazing option. We have everything from a 30-day residential alternative rehab to continuing care for recovery. Our trained professionals at Discovery Place are ready to take your call right now. Give us a ring at 1-800-725-0922.

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