How to Help a Loved One Accept Treatment

Addiction is a nasty disease that pollutes the mind and ravages the body. It also takes a harsh toll on relationships with loved ones. When you are experiencing the pain of seeing someone close to you struggle with addiction, one of your first instincts may be to talk to them about seeking help. Not everyone will take the discussion smoothly; in fact, you are likely to have some significant pushback.

Don’t get discouraged. Even when an individual close to you is not willing to admit they have a problem or accepting of the need for treatment, that doesn’t mean you have to have to push the entire issue under the carpet. There are several steps you can try that may help your loved one come to the realization that it would do them good to turn their life around and change their behaviors. When one is very resistant to acknowledging reality, it could provide for a tough road for you to get them help. But when you love someone, it is always worth the effort to try.


How to Help a Loved One Accept Treatment

If your informal talk didn’t go over smoothly, it may be time for a more structured, formal strategy. This involves seeking the help and guidance of an interventionist. A professional knows how to counteract arguments and prepare you, your family, and your friends with the backup for a potentially difficult meeting.

This will give you and your closest allies the ability to express their feelings and concern together for the individual who is struggling. It will show an outpouring of care and consideration that may make the extra difference. If not, and treatment is still not accepted, you aren’t out of options yet.


If you set hard boundaries and lines that you refuse to have crossed and then follow through on the consequences, it can make a big impact. Following through on consequences may feel harsh to you, but the reality is that if you don’t follow through with your word, the addict will learn nothing. If you give in, you continue to enable them and in the end, this will hurt them more than if you just stuck to your guns.

Second Intervention

If you still need to intervene again, this second time around should include a different set of people around you. This is your chance to work on an approach that may be more effective than the first. You can learn from what caused a negative reaction the first time around and try to connect with your loved one in a different way. Resetting the playing field and your approach may be what is needed to make things work.  

Addiction Treatment Centers in Tennesee

The process of helping one in desperate need to accept help can be long, exhausting, and stressful. However, if you are successful, you have just helped someone you love have a greater chance of gaining a new lease on life. Discovery Place offers a full 12-Step program to help those in need. Our residential component and our long-term care program offer extended guidance and support from start to finish and beyond. We would like to help you be successful. Call us today at 1-800-725-0922 for more.

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