Search Results for: discovery place state – Page 2


Help Change Someone’s Life, Today. First off, Discovery Place wants to thank you for considering donating! As a non profit organization, our primary purpose is

Get Involved

Service work and community keep us sober and happy. Here are a few ways Discovery Place provides an opportunity to give back and be a

photo of the discovery place team


See what our alumni have to say! The impact that our 30 day recovery and long term recovery programs have on people’s lives is real. You

photo of a house

Scholarship Application

Addiction treatment is an investment. It’s an investment in someone’s life. We understand that money doesn’t grow on trees, but don’t let the cost of

photo of two men hugging it out

30 Day Rehab

Phase 1: The first 30 days Discovery Place’s initial program, or “main campus” as we call it, is a 30-day residential retreat that sets the

garden bed outside of Nashville drug rehab


Getting clean and sober isn’t easy, but it is possible The world of addiction and mental health can feel complex and overwhelming sometimes. In our

Addiction Treatement

12 Step Immersion for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Discovery Place is a non-profit men’s spiritual retreat just outside of Nashville, TN specializing in recovery from

importance of aftercare plan

The Importance of an Aftercare Plan

Recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol can be a tough process without a professional support system. The importance of an aftercare plan can