How Exercise May Keep An Addict Sober

The many benefits of physical exercise can be seen in how they improve one’s health, strength, and mental clarity. In recent years, exercise has been studied and implemented in comprehensive medical treatment plans for a variety of illnesses and diseases with great results. Given the success, adding exercise into one’s daily routine is a good idea. What about addicts, though? Can exercise play a part in helping addicts stay the course better during recovery?

Combining Treatment With Exercise To Help Addicts During Recovery

It is something worth looking into. Studies in animals show some promise. When opioid-dependant rats swam regularly they didn’t consume as much morphine. Lab-rats dependant on cocaine also wanted less of the drug when they were able to have an exercise wheel in their cage. A smaller study in humans that abused amphetamines, cocaine, cannabis, and opioids was done over six months. Incorporating regular exercise three times a week had some interesting results. Those that fulfilled the requirements fully, reported back on their life 1 year later. After a year, 25 percent reported being substance-free while 50 percent reported that they decreased substance.

One theory as to why exercise is so helpful for recovering addicts is that it can reduce cravings. Having structure and a routine distracts from other behaviors that were previously throwing an addict off-track. Additionally, exercise increases the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for happiness and positive feelings. Exercising in a social setting like a gym, helps addicts develop positive connections with others which can also contribute to improved mental clarity.

Exercise Becoming Mainstream For Treatment

Many programs have found great success by having an exercise component. Those that didn’t have one in previous years are now adding exercise in. Addicts who involve themselves with active, fitness groups after recoveries like yoga or boxing helps to keep their recovery on track. To further help addicts stay sober, many non-profit organizations aimed at building communities of sober individuals have sponsored peer-led exercise events such s rock-climbing, hiking, running, and CrossFit. These types of events are much less intimidating for recovering addicts who can be surrounded by others who understand their plight.

Are You Struggling With Addiction And Need Help?

How Exercise May Keep An Addict SoberNo one program or approach is perfect with a 100 percent success rate. The more we know about the elements that work alone or together to help those that struggle with addiction better options can be provided. Even though there is increased attention towards the drug epidemic drug overdoses are on the rise. Synthetic opioids causing the loss of life went up by almost 90 percent from 2013 to 2016, largely in part because of the addition of fentanyl to the mix.

Discovery Place’s medical detox and addiction alternative treatment center has programs designed to help those who are struggling with addiction. Located in the beautiful and calming countryside of Tennessee, Discovery Place’s Tennessee addiction alternative treatment center makes for an excellent place to heal and get back to living your life to the fullest again.

Call our Tennessee detox alternative treatment center anytime day or night at 1-800-725-0922 to discuss your situation.

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