What to Expect When You Quit Alcohol

Under US law, alcohol can be easily accessible to anyone over age 21, but alcohol is not always consumed legally. Many individuals under the legal drinking age also consume alcohol, and marketing campaigns often seem to target this audience especially. A multitude of commercials focus on the sex appeal of alcohol and everything that the drink can supposedly do for those who consume. While not everyone who takes a sip of ethanol will abuse it, let alone become addicted, for those who do, the consequences can be lifelong.

Simple necessary tasks such as going to the grocery store, or to a gas station, can be difficult for those who are trying to stop drinking. Barbeques, concerts, and other social gatherings can become anxiety provoking when one is constantly faced with the temptation to drink and the pressure to join in with others. People suffering from alcoholism may isolate themselves from social situations where drinking is prevalent when they try to quit drinking, but this method can be counterproductive. Understanding what to expect when starting the long-term recovery process from alcohol addiction can better prepare you for these potentially hazardous situations and help you resist the temptation to fall into bad habits.

Signs of Intoxication and Withdrawal

Alcohol is classified as a sedative drug even though some people claim that the substance increases their energy. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system. Combining alcohol with other sedative substances such as opiates can be extremely dangerous as these groupings can lead to respiratory distress. Even without consuming another substance when drinking, excessive consumption of alcohol could lead to blackouts, comas, and deaths.

What to Expect When You Quit Alcohol

Each year,  88,000 individuals pass away due to consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, and hundreds of thousands more suffer the less severe consequences of extreme alcohol consumption. For those who decide to take the first steps towards a sober future, withdrawal symptoms are often their first hurdle.

Withdrawal from alcohol tends to begin within twenty-four to forty-eight hours following a decrease in the level of alcohol in one’s blood. Various withdrawal symptoms may be experienced, including seizures, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and hallucinations. Irritability and insomnia are also common as tremors and convulsions may occur. Delirium tremens, a rapid onset of confusion, is observed in five percent of those admitted to a hospital or alcohol addiction treatment center for detoxification.

Treatment for Alcohol Detoxification

There are many ways to move from alcohol addiction to sobriety, but for many, the first step is detoxification. Stopping alcohol use is more safely achieved in a detoxification center than attempting it alone as the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be severe and life-threatening if not properly managed. Some medications such as Phenothiazines, Paraldehyde, and Benzodiazepines, have been prescribed to aid with withdrawal symptoms though Phenothiazines have not successfully been proved to aid with seizure prevention.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Tennessee

Detox itself is just the first step towards a life free of alcohol addiction and is not enough to ensure a sober future. A treatment facility in a supportive and collaborative environment is an essential component on the path to recovery. These programs will work best if you participate honestly in therapy sessions and work on relapse prevention strategies, including identifying triggers and ways to cope with them.

At Discovery Place, we understand how difficult it can be to address the true causes of your addiction, and our trained staff is here to help you through this difficult time.  With our years of experience and nuanced understanding of alcohol addiction in Tennessee, we can guide you towards an alcohol-free lifestyle. Call us today at 1-800-725-0922 to begin your first step towards recovery.

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