Top 5 States With The Highest Number Of Drug Addicts

The “war on drugs” has been raging on for decades in the United States. Historically, the first laws that restricted drug use occurred in the 1900s against cocaine use. It is no surprise to anyone that illicit drug use in the United States is a huge problem. Since the year 2000, drug overdose deaths have tripled. In 2015, there were more than 52,000 deaths from drug overdoses. Almost half of all Americans say that they have used an illicit drug at some point in their life. So which states have the biggest problem?

1. The District Of Columbia

The nation’s capital comes at number one for drug and alcohol addiction. Prescription painkillers are of particular note for their negative impact. During a one year period from 2014 through 2015 overdose deaths increased by 31 percent. Washington, D.C. has the second-highest rate of both teen and adult drug misuse. Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and PCP are used the most. Cocaine abuse is particularly high and some experts cite that this could be a result of a very large population of politicians and those who have high-level professions. Both of these types of individuals have the means to purchase the drug and a high level of stress for which they’d want a way to escape.

2. Vermont

Since the year 200, the state of Vermont saw an 8 percent increase in the number of people who were obtaining treatment for opioid dependancy. The state also saw a 40 percent increase in heroin addiction treatment. Unfortunately, there is a lack of addiction treatment resources which is one of the reasons why the state ranks so high in the number of addicted individuals. Additionally, the state experiences extensive drug trafficking as a pass-through from Montreal to other large northeast cities like New York.

3.  Colorado

Ranked number 1 for teen and adult drug use, Colorado, fortunately, has something many states with high addiction rates don’t. Colorado has many resources for those who are addicts. Marijuana, cocaine, and opioids are the leading drugs that are abused in the state. Prescription painkillers and heroin cause the most overdose deaths.

4.  Delaware

Heroin and prescription opioids are the drugs most prevalent in Delaware. Fentanyl is also seeing a rise in use for the state. Officials in Delaware are working on expanding treatment resources throughout the state and the police are strictly monitoring trafficking activities in key regions of the state.

5.  Rhode Island

Rhode Island struggles the most with opioid and marijuana use. Ranked fifth in teenage drug use, the state’s adult drug use comes in at number three. For the smallest state in the nation, drug use numbers could seem amplified. However, the significant increase in overdose deaths from drug-related activities rose by 16 percent from 2015-2016.

Are You Struggling With Addiction And Need Help?

Top 5 States With The Highest Amount Of Drug AddictsThe medical detox and addiction alternative treatment center at Discovery Place has programs that work and staff that are caring and experienced in helping addicts overcome their substance abuse problems. Discovery Place’s Tennessee addiction alternative treatment center is located in the rolling hills of the serene countryside of Tennessee making for a soothing environment to heal.

Call our Tennessee detox alternative treatment center anytime day or night at 1-800-725-0922 to discuss your situation. We are here to help you get well again. 


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