The initial stages of getting yourself clean can be very stressful, agonizing, and just plain hard. Some individuals are serious about recovery but want to get sober on their own. There are some issues with this. First, going through detox without medical professionals and supervision can be dangerous to your health. Second, the likelihood of relapsing later-on is much higher when one goes it alone than when one goes through a proven program.
A treatment center is a controlled and monitored environment with around-the-clock support. Anytime you feel weak or if you are experiencing any type of physical or mental health issue, there are services at the tips of your fingers to help you through the tough spots. You re-learn new ways to cope with life and to live in general. Additionally, a center has others who are going through exactly what you are and understand the challenges first hand, so you are not alone.
An inpatient addiction treatment program alternative, like Discovery Place, can offer the highest level of support and treatment. The customized programs have medical supervision for detox, 24/7 support, amenities, therapies, experienced and compassionate staff, and a location free from triggers. Altogether, these well-rounded programs provide the most comprehensive form of treatment you can get.
Defining Inpatient Programs
Every center has its own set of standards and guidelines that drive their program. You will find varying lengths of treatment options. The average is around 30 days minimum, but other programs can offer options upwards of 90 days and longer. These programs have the facilities to house their patients for the full duration of the program.
Determining the length of the program that is going to be best for you requires looking at the whole picture regarding your specific circumstances. Factors to consider include comorbid mental health issues, if an individual has already tried the treatment, how intense the addiction is, and the willingness for change on behalf of the patient.
You will also find many centers that provide family programs. These help those who are dealing with addiction work on strained relationships with loved ones as well as helping loved ones through their mental distress from the exposure to the addict’s behaviors. These programs will help heal dysfunctional relationships so that the risk of relapse is decreased and both parties have healthy strategies for coping, communicating, and connecting moving forward.
Every center that provides in-patient programs will have also have similar basic amenities, and anything beyond these may be defined by the specific center. Generally, you will have a room for sleeping; sometimes, you can have a private room, and in many other situations, you will share a space. Cafeteria-style meals and opportunities for leisure activities, like swimming or exercise, may be provided. You may see luxury accommodations in very high-end centers, such as a pool or gourmet foods, for instance. Our Tennessee-based addiction treatment center alternative at Discovery Place has a main campus full of fellowship opportunities with ping-pong, billiards, frisbee golf, beach volleyball, horseshoes, fishing in our stocked ponds, and golf, just to name a few.
Help for Addiction and Dependence
If you are struggling with addiction and you are ready to take the next step to obtain structured and proven help, contact Discovery Place. You can call our supportive Tennessee addiction treatment center alternative and speak to one of our professional and caring program representatives at 1-800-725-0922.