Identifying and Treating Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder is the term medical professionals use to describe individuals who have no self-control over their alcohol consumption. Most individuals suffering from this disorder believe they are unable to function properly without drinking.

Becoming dependent on alcohol is just as dangerous as any other substance abuse disorder as it negatively impacts both personal and professional relationships. Consuming too much alcohol will also negatively impact an individual’s health over time.

Alcohol use disorder can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the amount of drinks consumed, the amount of time spent consuming drinks, and how alcohol affects the individual.

How Do People Abuse Alcohol?

Because the United States legally allows individuals to purchase alcohol at the age of 21, it can be hard to discern when it’s being abused. However, there are a few signs to look out for if you believe someone you love may be abusing alcohol.

Binge drinking is a clear indicator of alcohol use disorder. Individuals who binge drink will intentionally consume between four to five drinks within about two hours.

Another sign of alcohol use disorder is excessive alcohol consumption, which is easier to identify. Individuals will intentionally consume a lot of alcohol at once in order to get drunk faster.

Other signs of alcohol use disorder are when individuals feel the urge to drink while driving, drink throughout the day, drink to feel a buzz, drink on a daily basis, and drink a large amount of alcohol at social gatherings.

Although there are various drinking patterns, individuals who partake in these patterns have no control over their consumption. The alcohol drives their behaviors, and if not caught early on, these habits can potentially lead to alcohol use disorder.

Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder

An excellent first step to help individuals who may be suffering from alcohol use disorder is to organize an intervention. During the intervention, loved ones can discuss the consequences of alcohol, how they’ve witnessed their loved one’s alcohol consumption affect their behavior and relationships, and encourage their loved one to enter an alcohol treatment program. The treatment program will provide counseling sessions, relapse prevention, and support groups. Because around 60 percent of people who enter treatment programs end up relapsing, aftercare is something they will have to commit to for the rest of their lives.

There are different facilities for families to enroll their loved ones in, but it’s best to start off with an alternative treatment center for lasting results.

Alternative Treatment Centers in Tennessee

Identifying and Treating Alcohol Use DisorderDiscovery Place is an alternative treatment center located in Burns, Tennessee that provides different treatment programs to assist those suffering from substance and alcohol abuse disorders. Some of our treatment programs include a 30-Day Alternative Residential Addiction Recovery Program and a Long-Term Alternative Addiction Recovery Program. At our facility, our patients have access to top private practice providers and a 12-step immersion program. If you would like more information about our facility and our services, call us today to set up at a free consultation at (800)725-0922.

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