How To Identify Prescription Drug Dependance 

Prescription drug use and dependence have been a growing concern in the United States. It is estimated that almost 20% of the population of the country abuse these drugs and the amount of individuals getting stuck in the addiction cycle is rising. The problem is becoming recognized enough that medical professionals are responding by being extra cautious in prescribing these medications. However, an individual doesn’t have to go to a doctor to obtain them. The black market makes for easy access.  

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, almost 80% of heroin users started abusing prescription drugs before their heroin addiction began. 

One may not start out using drugs in an abusive way. They can sneak up on even the most unsuspecting individuals after surgery or after being prescribed for pain from an accident. Before you know it, you may have fallen victim to an addiction that you didn’t intend to occur. This is why it’s important to understand the power of these pills and when you are seeing signs that you are becoming dependent–take action immediately.

Identifying Prescription Drug Addiction

How To Identify Prescription Drug DependanceIsolation

As addiction grows, the substance becomes more important than anything else in one’s life, including their relationships with loved ones and certainly their normal responsibilities and passions in life. When prescription drugs take over, an individual can find themselves in a position where they are in a constant haze and are physically unable to interact with others or engage in any activities.  If the addiction occurs with drugs that are meant to treat ADHD, the addict can function for work or school but they become so immersed in these pursuits that they don’t interact with anyone or anything else.


As a person abuses drugs, the smaller threshold that used to provide relief no longer makes an impact and more of the drug is needed to feel the effects. Drug tolerance increases and as such, the addict needs to take more to gain the feeling they are craving. Sometimes the increase happens at no fault of the user. If a doctor increases their dosage, they will take what is prescribed and the body will begin to need more of the drug. Then the need for more to function becomes stronger.


As you increase your intake of a drug and you begin constantly having it in your system at any given time, your body learns how to function while on the drug. When the drug is missing, your body reacts in a negative manner, which is the withdrawal effect.

Symptoms Of Prescription Drug Abuse

There are common symptoms that abusers of prescription drugs exhibit including:

  • Slurred speech
  • Lethargy
  • Memory issues
  • Motor skill issues
  • Concentration problems
  • Dizziness
  • Slowed breathing
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Aggression

Drug Addiction Resources In Tennessee

If you believe you are succumbing to addiction with prescription medications, there is no time like the present to obtain help. The medical detox and addiction treatment center alternative at Discovery Place has the programs that are specifically designed to support and assist those who are ready to overcome their addictions. We have a beautiful center in the idyllic rolling hills of Tennessee which offers a soothing environment to heal and recover.   

Discovery Place’s  Tennessee addiction treatment center alternative team is here for you  24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call our Tennessee alternative detox treatment center anytime day or night at 1-800-725-0922.


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