How Parents Should Address their Child’s Addiction

Substance abuse disorder can affect anyone no matter their age, economic status, or family history. It’s common for people to begin experimenting with drugs during their adolescent years, especially if their friends are doing it, too. Teens may also be influenced by mass media or may want to feel like they fit in with their peers. They may also be suffering from depression or boredom and use drugs as a way to escape their reality. However, even if teens begin by occasionally experimenting with drugs, they are not exempt from becoming addicted. It can be difficult for parents to address their child’s potential substance abuse disorder. Understanding different methods of communication will help parents appropriately address their children so they can receive the best help possible.

Having an Intervention With Your Child

An effective way for parents to address their child’s potential drug abuse problem is to have an intervention. There are two types of interventions that parents can try — formal and informal.

A formal intervention is a structured way to approach a child and usually involves other family members that have been affected by the child’s negative actions. During this process, everyone sits the child down and explains to them how their actions have impacted them and how they believe they may be suffering from a serious problem. Sometimes it’s beneficial to hire a trained professional to mediate the conversation so that all parties are able to effectively and appropriately express themselves. This option is also the best choice if the child has refused help or treatment in the past.

An informal intervention is a more personal conversation that parents have with their children. Parents may choose this option if it’s the first time they are addressing this issue with their child. During this process, parents may discuss their observations, ask their child some questions, and listen to their child’s answers. Hopefully, this process allows the parent and child to agree upon a solution that will help the child live a healthier lifestyle.

When Should I Have an Intervention With My Child?

There is definitely a time and a place for parents to address their children if they believe they may be suffering from a substance abuse disorder. For example, parents should not address their children if they are drunk or high. It’s best if the child is sober and present so that the conversation is impactful and memorable. It’s best for parents to also avoid the conversation if they are angry because children tend to get more defensive, rebellious, and unresponsive under those circumstances. Lastly, parents should avoid the conversation if they are not prepared. It’s important for parents to make sure they have gathered enough observations and evidence before addressing their child’s behavior.

If a child admits to suffering from addiction, the next best step is for parents to enroll them in a rehabilitation center or an alternative treatment center.

Alternative Treatment Centers in Tennessee

How Parents Should Address their Child's AddictionAt Discovery Place, we have spent years assisting individuals with their substance abuse disorders. Because we are a nontraditional alternative treatment center located in Burns, Tennessee, we help our patients retain long-lasting results. Some of our programs include a 30-Day Alternative Residential Addiction Recovery Program and a Long-Term Alternative Addiction Recovery Program. If you would like more information about our programs, call us today to schedule a free consultation at (800) 725-0922.

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