Drinking During Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Are you the type of person who enjoys a glass of wine or a cold beer with dinner? Do you find yourself anxiously awaiting your next bar or club adventure with your friends? For those who do not have an addiction to alcohol or other illicit substances, and for those who are not pregnant, it is one thing. However, there is a lot of risks with the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Drinking affects not only you but also your unborn.

Even a drop of alcohol can be dangerous for your baby when you are pregnant. Alcohol easily works its way through the placenta, leaving the baby’s bloodstream vulnerable to all of alcohol’s effects. Intellectual disabilities, physical alterations, and other birth defects may occur. These changes to your baby will affect him or her throughout his or her entire life.

What Is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

If a mother chooses to drink during pregnancy, the unborn child is also exposed. Stunted growth and fetal alcohol syndrome may occur. The extremity of symptoms differs greatly from case to case. Thankfully, the earlier you get your child diagnosed, the better the chances of a positive outcome through treatment means are.

What are some symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome? Some physical signs include:

  • Characteristic facial features, such as decreased eye size, a very thin upper lip, a petite upturned nose, and a flat skin surface where the nose and upper lip come together
  • Malformations of joints, limbs, and fingers
  • Sluggish bodily development prior to and following birth
  • Vision problems or hearing difficulties
  • Petite head circumference and brain size
  • Heart flaws
  • Health complications in the kidneys and bones
Drinking During Pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome also affects the CNS and brain:

  • Difficulty with coordination or steadiness
  • Intellectual disability, learning disorders, and deferred development
  • Trouble with memory
  • Difficulty paying attention and understanding information
  • Trouble with reasoning, problem-solving skills, and recognizing the consequences of choices
  • Not the best at judgment making
  • Agitation or hyperactivity
  • Flight of moods

Trouble coping with life’s challenges, as well as with social situations, can also occur for those diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. Some of these signs include:

  • Educational hardships
  • Not getting along well with others and difficulty with implementing appropriate social skills
  • Becoming distraught when trying to cope with changes, such as going from one task to another
  • Difficulty with reactions and a lack of impulse control
  • Lack of perception of time
  • Not being able to stay on task
  • Trouble developing and working toward goals.

Stop Drinking Today

We can help you kick drinking today. At Discovery Place in Burns, Tennessee, we understand how drugs and alcohol can take over your life leaving you putting everything else at the sidelines. The trained professionals at our alternative treatment center know that you do not make the conscious choice to continue with your active addiction daily. We have built a strong foundation upon the principles of honesty, perseverance, discipline, tolerance, and love. These are the building blocks for a sober, happy, useful, and whole life. We want to help you get back on your feet and live your best life. Call us today at 1-800-725-0922 to take control of your drinking.

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