Benefits of an Inpatient Drug Rehab in Tennessee

You can beat drug or alcohol addiction. There are various ways to kick the habit. Some people go “cold turkey,” and some receive care at an outpatient rehab. But the most established and secure way to overcome your addiction is at an inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility.


Kicking it “Cold Turkey”

“Cold turkey” is simply stopping using with no help along the way. If you choose this route, you must realize that it is an extremely difficult path and you will have to do it entirely on your own. Some people are able to do this – more power to them – but for most, this extreme option is just too much to handle.


Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient care can provide medical help for detox and eventual recovery, and it also provides emotional and psychological support. If you have a family or a demanding job and cannot expend the time or the money for inpatient rehab, this may be the way you can receive help. However, these programs do not offer all the benefits that an impatient rehab can, as well as having a lower success rate.


The Inpatient Option

Inpatient drug facilities offer a superabundance of assistance that can help anyone who is trying to overcome drug or alcohol dependence. Here are some of these benefits:



Inpatient drug rehabs are truly structured. You simply cannot get this level of care at with any other option. Inpatient programs offer up only a small amount of free time, preventing patients from trying to obtain their substance, whether that be alcohol or drugs. However, it also fills patients’ day – if you are not thinking about the substance, there is less of a chance of relapse.


Full-Time Support

You can’t go wrong with having professional support available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you are starting your path to recovery, this kind of help can make all the difference.


No Drugs or Alcohol

Inpatient rehab means you must stay at the facility unless you are on an approved outing. Even in this context, you will be under supervision. The difference between people in outpatient rehab programs versus inpatient programs is that outpatient patients have a risk of relapsing because they go home at the end of the day and can then gain access to the substance they are trying to quit. Someone at an inpatient rehab has no access to drugs or alcohol – making it a safer choice.


Constant Supervision

It is quite often that addicts go through withdrawal, and that includes mental withdrawal. This is an unstable, hazardous, and even life-threatening period of time for an addict. Mental withdrawal is not an easy feeling, and it can last for an extended period of time. However, if you are feeling mental withdrawal while at inpatient rehab, you have continual medical care and counseling – and this help can be critical, as well as providing emotional support.


No Bad Influences

Inpatient drug rehabs want your total focus to be on recovery. Because of this, facilities often limit phone calls and prevent visitation. In this way, they keep away smuggling of substances or any negative effects someone outside the program may have on the patient.


Focusing on Yourself

Inpatient drug rehab creates a safe space where the individual can completely focus on their own feelings and recovery. Thus, they can concentrate on the help they are receiving without any distractions or stressors.


New Friends

Each addict at an inpatient rehab is going through the same process and have the same goals – sobriety. These treatment facilities can help recovering addicts gain strong friendships and new and needed help with the process.



Many inpatient drug facilities offer alternative therapies to assist throughout recovery. These can include yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, Pilates, massage, and supervised exercise. These options will help release stress, help with concentration, and will improve the addicts overall physical and mental health.


Eating Well

Nutrition is important in the recovery process. A balanced diet can assist the body as you go through the stresses of the initial withdrawal, and it also helps to receive physical and mental strength throughout the rest of the process.


Gaining Tools for Recovery

Inpatient rehabs continue to help long after the addict leaves the facility. They have educated the recovering person with tools that they can implement at any time – especially if they are facing cravings. This can save a life.

The help of an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab works on each level of treatment, helping individuals physically and mentally. Discovery Place is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing affordable, alternative drug and alcohol addiction recovery programs. If you’d like to learn more about our many programs, be sure to browse our treatment programs page today. Our caring experts can help you find the right course of treatment that will begin your path to recovery.

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