Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

It is not surprising news that prescription medications can be abused, and lead to addiction. Adderall is no different. Just as widely misused and abused as any other drug, stopping use can lead to Adderall withdrawal symptoms. Also like most other drugs, these symptoms can be extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable. 

What Is Adderall?

Used for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Adderall is a drug that helps to create focus in individuals who have a hard time doing so themselves. Containing Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine, it is a stimulant that can help with staying focused on activities, controlling behavior issues, and can help to increase the ability to pay attention. Stimulant drugs can increase energy and attention span. 

Known as the “study drug”, many college students take Adderall to help them cram for tests. Although there is no scientific proof, many think it improves academic capabilities because of its energy- and focus-producing properties.

Is Adderall Addictive?

Adderall is considered to be a Schedule II drug, being that it has a medical purpose. However, it also has a high probability of being abused. Stimulant drugs commonly are abused, and the abuse can lead to addiction. Taking more than prescribed, taking them in a manner not prescribed, or taking someone else’s medications are all ways a drug can be considered misused. 

Adderall works in the brain and increases norepinephrine and dopamine. Like most drugs, this causes dependency to occur. Because the brain becomes accustomed to the amounts of dopamine and norepinephrine produced by the drug, the natural production sometimes isn’t enough. Meaning Adderall is the main source, and the brain becomes dependent on it. 

People who abuse this drug sometimes crush it up and smoke or snort it. It is also water-soluble. Used as prescribed, Adderall can be relatively safe. However with long term use, abuse, or misuse it can lead to addiction, and eventually the user may feel Adderall withdrawal symptoms.

Side Effects of Adderall

Mostly all medications produce side effects. Adderall has its own range of effects that can occur with long term use. Ranging in severity, the risks of these side effects can occur with short and long term use, and vary person to person and based on different factors. Some of these side effects can include:

  • Heart disease
  • Seizure
  • High blood pressure
  • Skin discoloration
  • Psychiatric conditions
  • Irregular heart beat

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms

Anyone who decides to stop taking this drug is subject to experiencing potentially serious Adderall withdrawal symptoms. Because the body becomes dependent on the drug, when users stop taking it, the body is kind of thrown into shock. For the period of time Adderall has been taken, it has caused the body’s function to be dependent on it. Adderall withdrawal symptoms and severity are different with each person. There are different factors that can affect the intensity of the symptoms. Things such as overall health, age, dosage, length of use, and manner of use can all affect these symptoms. 

Psychologically, Adderall withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, irritability, and insomnia. Other withdrawal symptoms can include things like increased heart rate and blood pressure, panic attacks, loss of appetite, and fatigue. All of these can be dangerous if left unmonitored, but treatment can be hugely beneficial.

How Long Does Adderall Withdrawal Last?

This varies. Withdrawal symptoms can vary in intensity and risk of danger. The symptoms can last up to a week, depending on usage, dosage of use, and other individual factors. Symptoms of withdrawal normally begin a couple of days after the last use. The most common symptoms of Adderall withdrawal are depression and anxiet. These make themselves known within one or two days. There is also the potential risk of long lasting symptoms. These lingering effects can often lead to users going back to taking the drug in order to alleviate the long term Adderall withdrawal symptoms. 

Adderall Withdrawal Timeline

Day One through Three: Onset of withdrawal symptoms like depression, changes in sleep, and depression begin.

Day Four through Seven: Things like irritability, mood swings, anxiousness, and lack of concentration could begin to exhibit themselves now that the more common symptoms begin to subside. There is also the risk of intense cravings and extreme fatigue.

Day Eight through 14: Body functionality begins returning back to normal. Sleep increases, and other symptoms subside. However, these symptoms can still fluctuate.

Week Three: At this point, most of the symptoms should gradually vanish, enabling you establish a regular sleep schedule. However, this is not true for everyone experiencing withdrawal from the drug.  

Adderall Detox in Philadelphia, PA

Discovery Place provides a healthy and safe environment for those who need help to stop this medication. We provide a healing environment where you can safely detox as we address the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms. If you or a loved one are seeking help for Adderall addiction, reach out to us today and let us help you find a better life without the drug.

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