Search Results for: my son has drug problem – Page 4

The Function of Role Models During Recovery

Handling Love and Dating in Recovery

People fall under addictions for a myriad of reasons: the loss of a loved one, financial struggles, or general unhappiness. Drug abuse such as drinking

How Much Does Your Addiction Cost You?

How Much Does Your Addiction Cost You?

Addictions are capable of bringing severe emotional and physical turmoil—it can tear friends and families apart, and create a myriad of health problems. However, many

Common Types of Addiction

Common Types of Addiction

Addiction comes in many forms: gambling, working, and sex, to name a few. The types of addiction that individuals seek professional help to aid in

Identifying Holiday Triggers
12 Step Program

Identifying Holiday Triggers

With people drinking and being merry, society demonstrates that holidays are the best times of the year. However, there are the stresses of buying the

Choosing Between a Getaway or Outpatient Program
12 Step Program

Getaway or Outpatient Program?

No matter how long the “bottom” has been coming, when the time finally arrives to choose a treatment center—either as an addict, an alcoholic or

Depression and addiction
12 Step Program

Depression and Addiction

A Complex Combination  “If I am hurt in a car wreck, please don’t take me to a 12-Step meeting.” This bit of wisdom is occasionally

Church member and pot addict

How a Pot Addict Found Recovery at 19

Tanner didn’t mean to end up at Discovery Place. He didn’t really even mean to get sober. Following an impromptu family intervention after threatening suicide,