Search Results for: addiction recovery consultation – Page 4


Addressing Your Loved Ones About Your Addiction

Handling your own addiction can be difficult with its many trials and tribulation–resisting temptations, mood swings, experiencing withdrawals, and the health complications that come with

Adderall: Definition, Risks, and Signs of Addiction

Dealing with Addiction as a Member of LGBTQ+

People who classify themselves under the LGBTQ+ label—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc.—lead difficult lives that can be confusing, stressful, and full of discrimination. Many of

How Much Does Your Addiction Cost You?

How Much Does Your Addiction Cost You?

Addictions are capable of bringing severe emotional and physical turmoil—it can tear friends and families apart, and create a myriad of health problems. However, many

How Parents Should Address their Child's Addiction

How an Addiction Can Destroy Your Relationships

Relationships of all kinds—be it friendships, familial relationships, professional relationships, or especially romantic relationships—are not always easy to maintain. All relationships require communication, dedication, a

Is Drug Addiction Genetic?

Is Drug Addiction Genetic?

As science advances, we find ourselves worrying about genetics and inheritance on a normal basis, wondering what diseases we might be at risk for. We