Recognizing Signs of Drug Use on the Face

Drug abuse impacts much more than just the mind and body—it can severely damage the skin, the body’s largest organ. Long-term substance use depletes essential nutrients and weakens the immune system, leading to poor hygiene and neglected self-care. 

The skin, often the first thing people notice, can show clear signs of distress. Family and friends may begin to recognize these changes, which are often visible in the face as a result of prolonged drug use.

Changes in Skin Color

As drug use progresses, toxins accumulate in the body, often leading to noticeable skin discoloration. In cases of drug injection, the skin around the injection site can darken and become more pronounced. 

Hyperpigmentation—an increase in melanin—can cause dark spots on the skin, and a dull or gray complexion is also common. These visible changes are often early signs that addiction is taking a physical toll.

Oral Health Problems

Drug abuse is often linked to severe dental problems, such as tooth decay and loss. The skin around the mouth, including the lips and gums, is also affected. 

Swelling, dryness, and cracking occur as the skin becomes deprived of essential nutrients. These symptoms can be visible signs of prolonged substance abuse, further contributing to the physical toll addiction takes on the body.

Skin Irritation

As drug use depletes the body of essential nutrients, the skin loses its strength and vitality. Signs of irritation such as redness, itching, and scaly skin begin to develop. 

Over time, severe dryness, cracking, rashes, blisters, and even open wounds can appear on the face. These issues are common among regular drug users and serve as visible indicators of the toll addiction takes on the body.

Acne and Blemishes

Even those who’ve never experienced skin problems may start to develop blemishes, while those with a history of acne will often see their symptoms worsen. 

Drug use leads to more frequent touching of the face and exposure to unsanitary conditions, which promotes bacterial growth. This can result in an increase in acne and other skin issues, further indicating the physical effects of substance abuse.

Scarring and Wounds

Certain drugs can lead to compulsive behaviors like skin picking, scratching, or cutting, resulting in open wounds on the face. These wounds are prone to infection, delaying healing and often leaving permanent scars. 

When left untreated, infections and tissue damage can worsen, creating visible, lasting marks. This type of skin damage is a clear sign of drug use, reflecting the deeper impact of addiction on the body.

Getting Help

If you notice these signs in someone you love, it’s important to take action. Addiction doesn’t only harm the body; it affects relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being. The compassionate team at Discovery Place is here to help men break the cycle of addiction.

Recovery is possible. Contact us at 1-800-725-0922, 24/7, for the support you need to get started.

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