Is it Possible to Stay Sober in College?

Overindulging in drugs and alcohol has become synonymous with the college lifestyle. This has become so prevalent that some colleges are known more for their party scenes than their actual academics. Statistics even show that alcohol use is higher amongst college students than their non-college peers. However, despite substance abuse being widespread throughout many colleges, there are ways for you to stay sober in college. The following examples will help you remain sober throughout your college career:

Focusing On Your Grades

Nothing helps you stay sober like focusing on your goals. Remember that you’re in college to obtain your degree. Becoming too consumed in the party lifestyle will put your education in jeopardy. The cost of your tuition is far too great for you to not give your best effort. Focusing not only on your grades but also improving yourself will help you remain sober. College is a time of self-discovery for most people and focusing on what makes you happy will keep your mind occupied.

Encouragement From Friends

This may seem like a no-brainer, but hanging around other sober people will help you remain sober yourself. People who enjoy life without the influence of drugs and alcohol will make you feel less pressure to partake in substance abuse. You must also find friends that are respectful of your sobriety. You should avoid anyone that attempts to use peer pressure against you. Eventually, you’ll be able to find likeminded individuals like yourself who share the same goals of remaining sober.

Clean Fun With Friends

Is it Possible to Stay Sober in College?

Just because you’re choosing to remain sober doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun. Explore your new surroundings with your friends. If there is an event offered on campus, like a play, comedy show, or anything that allows you to experience something new, go to those activities. If you’re tired of campus life for whatever reason, venture into town and see a movie or go to an art show. Many college students make the mistake of normalizing substance abuse. Once you realize how much fun you can have sober, any urges to use drugs or alcohol will disappear.

Family Members

Keeping a close connection with your family is also another way to stay sober. When you’re away from your family for the first time, it’s easy to lose sight of who you are. Keeping in contact your loved ones will help you retain your sense of self. Throughout your college career, you will discover new aspects about yourself but you’ll never lose sight of who you are. By retaining your sense of self, you’ll be less likely to be influenced by the pressures of substance abuse.

The Path To Recovery

If you or a loved are struggling with addiction, seek the assistance of a Tennessee long-term drug and alcohol addiction recovery program. Discovery Place offers programs that will set you on the path to recovery. Not only will our programs help you overcome your addiction, but our programs are designed for long-term recovery. For a Tennessee long-term drug and alcohol addiction recovery program, call Discovery Place at 1-800-725-0922 today.

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