The Opioid Crisis that has swept the nation is an ever-growing problem where many Americans know someone who is suffering from this addiction. Commonly, addiction leads to several changes in a person. People who are suffering exhibit many behaviors that are far from who they are before they developed the issue. It is sad and heartbreaking to watch a loved one deteriorate and you naturally miss the way they were before they became addicted.
What Are The Most Common Behavior Changes In Opiate Addicts
- Lies and secrecy play a large part in the early stages of the addiction process. Even when it is glaringly obvious that the addict is caught in a falsehood, they will continue to force their story. They will often try to manipulate the situation by blaming you, telling you that you are the one who is lying and that you are awful for not having trust in them. As this behavior continues they will become more walled off and less communicative with you. They will avoid you and become sneaky in their actions and with their behaviors.
- Opioid addicts are only concerned about themselves and the drugs they are taking. They act and react to situations as if the whole world revolves around their wants and needs. They can be combative and can even cause harm to others if they feel like they are being impacted in a way that isn’t suitable to them. Their behavior lacks care and concern for others, including close family and friends, and they have no accountability because their number once a concern is getting their drugs.
- Mood swings and emotional turmoil will cause them to have tremendous feelings of deep depression. They will talk about how much of a burden they are to others and how they feel helpless and hopeless. Suicide is a real concern that can happen in an opioid addict who is at an all-time low in their addiction. In addition to depression, they may also feel anxious and nervous, not trusting everyone and believing everyone is trying to harm them.
- They exhibit intense anger and will behave wildly through crying, yelling, screaming, and erupting over even the most insignificant thing. You don’t know how to act around them because you don’t know what is going to set them off. Their extreme behavior can also become physical outbursts that lead to abuse.
- They make extremely irresponsible and dangerous decisions like selling their bodies for drugs, prostitute themselves to gain money for drugs, use other illicit substances, and stealing. They do impulsive things and if they do allow themselves to be in the company of others, the relationships are often toxic and unhealthy.
When your loved one has an addiction to opioids they may seem like they care about nothing, certainly not their family or their health and welfare. It is natural to feel upset and also fed-up because of the stress and difficulty they bring to your life. It is important to know that someone suffering from an opioid abuse problem needs help and that if they accept help and want to get better they can.
Do You Believe A Loved One Is Suffering From An Opioid Addiction?
If any of these symptoms are something you are experiencing with a loved one, they may have an addiction to opioids. You can have your loved one back, but they need to want it too. Talk with your loved one and see if they will accept help. If you are unsure how to do so and what steps to take to motivate your loved one to get help, call the Tennessee-based addiction alternative treatment center at Discovery Place. Our team will give you the guidance you need to open the door of recovery for your loved one.
Discovery Place’s Tennessee medical detox alternative treatment center helps addicts safely and smoothly detox. Call Discovery Place’s Tennessee addiction alternative center today at 1-800-725-0922.