What to Expect During Faith-Based Rehab

There is no debating that addiction is undoubtedly one of the most complex, destructive diseases in existence. However, while addiction is not a curable disease, it can be treated. 

Addiction treatment is most effective when it includes evidence-based therapies and medications (if applicable). Treatment centers throughout the United States practice this combined approach, which helps to heal and empower those who were once controlled by their active addictions. There are programs that can reach large populations of people as well as programs that are tailored to specific groups of individuals. Faith-based rehab, for example, is one of these specialized rehabs that incorporates religion into scientifically sound treatment programs. 

What is Faith-Based Rehab?

A faith-based rehab focuses on providing traditional addiction treatment services but with a spiritual approach. Patients of this type of rehab program will engage in therapies that most all other patients in rehab centers around the country will, such as individual therapy, group counseling, behavioral therapy, and trauma treatment. But what differentiates traditional addiction treatment programs from faith-based rehabs is that faith-based rehabs apply the teachings of the specific religion into all areas of a patient’s treatment plan. 

What to Expect During Faith-Based Rehab?

Faith-based rehab can be extremely comforting for patients, especially those who have practiced or are practicing a religion. This type of rehab utilizes the same core values as the religion, immediately helping to break down any walls patients have upon entering rehab. The more that patients involve themselves in their programming, the more they will understand what they can expect out of their faith-based rehab.

So, what exactly can be expected during faith-based rehab? Consider the following:

  • Including scripture — There are several parts of religious scripture that are used in the recovery process. Scripture can be helpful in motivating patients and providing them with determination and persistence. You can even expect scripture to be added into the 12 Steps, which is extremely common for faith-based rehabs. For example, the fourth step in the 12 Steps is “made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves,” to which a faith-based rehab may use a scripture such as that from Lamentations that states “Instead, let us test and examine our ways. Let us turn back to the Lord.”
  • Prayer-driven meditation — Meditation is common across all types of addiction treatment programs, but in a faith-based program, you can expect to have prayer included in your meditations. Meditation, in general, is designed to help increase calmness and relaxation, as well as clarity of mind and a sense of inner peace. The inclusion of prayer in this practice helps promote these benefits, as most find both comfort and strength in prayer.
  • God as the higher power in the 12 Steps — As mentioned before, scripture from the Bible or other religious text can be included in the 12-Step philosophy. However, the 12 Steps can also include God or another religious figure as the “higher power” that is frequently referred to. Considering God as your higher power can be comfortable and easy, especially if you already practice religion. If you were not religious prior to attending faith-based rehab, utilizing God as your higher power can help alleviate the stress of trying to figure out what your higher power should be. 
  • Bible studies — Faith-based rehabs typically offer bible studies for their patients. When in bible study, patients can come together to discuss readings from the bible and put them in context to produce a strong understanding of the written word. Within these bible studies, patients can also use this time to apply God’s word to their own situation and recovery.
  • Individual faith counseling — The vast majority of addiction specialists who work at faith-based rehabs are religious, which can be helpful when working one-on-one with patients. Individual counseling sessions can be conducted with a religious approach so that traditional evidence-based treatments can be applied but through the lens of someone practicing the word of God. 

Faith-based rehabs, while offering traditional addiction treatment, utilize a religious approach and try to apply it wherever possible. This is ideal for those who are searching for a rehab that includes their religion into their recovery, as well as for those who desire to introduce God into their lives while they recover. 

Why Should I Attend a Faith-Based Rehab?

If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, getting professional addiction treatment is absolutely critical. Faith-based rehabs offer comprehensive, evidence-based treatment plans that can help you stop your active addiction and begin building a solid foundation in recovery. And, of course, faith-based rehabs include religion into all areas of their care. 

This type of rehab is not the right fit for everyone, however it can be highly effective for those who want to include structure and religion into their recovery. If interested, you should consider attending a faith-based rehab for the following reasons:

  • Positive peer community — Patients of this type of rehab are all striving to maintain the same types of morals and ethics as they work to recover. Religion can bring patients together in ways similar to how addiction can bring them together. When commonalities are shared, patients can build a sense of trust and respect with one another, helping to build a strong support network of peers. Having the support and giving support to others while in recovery is absolutely vital.
  • Improved strength in recovery — Including religion into your addiction treatment immediately gives you a healthy go-to for coping with strong, overwhelming feelings. As are being treated, you will learn how to incorporate your faith into your everyday life as a means of both celebrating the good and peacefully accepting the bad. Leaning on your faith rather than drugs or alcohol can improve your strength in recovery and keep you sober for longer.
  • Encourage service — All addiction treatment programs, especially those that practice the 12-Step philosophy, encourage patients to give back to their recovery communities. Faith-based rehabs put extra emphasis on service, which has proven to help keep recovering addicts and alcoholics accountable, honest, and responsible, as well as give them the power to help others just as others helped them before. 

If you are ready to get treatment for your addiction, faith-based addiction treatment may be the best option for you for these and other reasons. 

Do You Need Addiction Treatment? Call Discovery Today.

At Discovery, we know how painful active addiction can be for both the user and their loved ones. If you are ready to take a leap of faith and get the help you need to stop using, call us right now. We can help you set and accomplish your recovery goals.

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