Category: Addiction

Do I Need a Medical Detox?

Do I Need a Medical Detox?

If you are thinking about a detox, you have already accomplished one of the hardest parts of recovery – recognizing that your drug or alcohol use is a problem and committing yourself to change. Now you’re ready to start the recovery process, and the obvious next step is to rid

Asking for Help in Recovery - What You Need to Know

Asking for Help in Recovery – What You Need to Know

Integrating recovery and everyday life can be challenging. It is a journey of personal growth that requires you to leave behind past habits and build up new healthy ones. When you were struggling with addiction, you probably spent a lot of time hiding your addictive behavior and substance abuse and

The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

Negative emotions like fear, guilt, anger, and resentment are tough ones to shake. We get so used to them that we stop noticing how much they paralyze our lives because when we can’t release and move on from them, that’s exactly what they do. If there’s one positive lesson that

​​Relapse on the Horizon? The Signs To Watch Out For

​​Relapse on the Horizon? The Signs To Watch Out For

The World Health Organisation classifies addiction as a chronic disease. This means that for some people, relapse may always be a possibility. Luckily, relapse is both preventable and treatable; however, it should not be seen as a failure if it does happen. It can be an opportunity to learn from

It’s Not All Bad News: 5 Uplifting Trends in Drug Addiction Treatment

It’s Not All Bad News: 5 Uplifting Trends in Drug Addiction Treatment

There’s a lot of frightening news in addiction reporting nowadays. The opioid epidemic has been trending dangerously for the past two decades and has dramatically worsened in 2020. We have been increasingly isolated, and mental health has taken a huge hit nationwide in the wake of a year at home.

How To Gain Loved Ones Trust Again After Rehab

How To Gain Loved Ones Trust Again After Rehab

After you leave a rehabilitation program and begin to ease back into everyday life, your top priority is often rebuilding relationships with your loved ones. Addiction can take a toll on any relationship – including with those we love the most. Lying and secrecy often come hand in hand with

5 Signs You Might Have a Problem With Alcohol

5 Signs You Might Have a Problem With Alcohol

Drinking alcohol in moderation is a normal part of many cultures and is not necessarily a bad thing – you might have a glass of wine at a party, drink a beer at a picnic, or open a bottle of champagne to celebrate an achievement. However, drinking excessively is a

Vicodin Addiction

Vicodin Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

Vicodin (hydrocodone) is one of the most widely abused prescription painkillers in the United States. It is commonly prescribed to help treat moderate to severe pain, such as what would be experienced after a surgical procedure or injury. While Vicodin is highly effective in treating pain when taken as prescribed,

Faith-Based Rehab

What to Expect During Faith-Based Rehab

There is no debating that addiction is undoubtedly one of the most complex, destructive diseases in existence. However, while addiction is not a curable disease, it can be treated.  Addiction treatment is most effective when it includes evidence-based therapies and medications (if applicable). Treatment centers throughout the United States practice

Alternative Addiction Treatment

The Benefits of Alternative Addiction Treatment

For decades, professional addiction treatment services (such as those offered in traditional inpatient and outpatient programs) have been highly effective for those looking to recover from an active substance use disorder. These services, including evidence-based treatments and therapies, are still just as effective today and continue to help save the